Neurofeedback Therapy - The Best Technique For Reducing Stress & Improving Mental Function and More
Neurofeedback is a long-standing and scientifically validated approach to improving mental health and brain fitness, as well as treating many organic brain related issues.
Among other benefits, Neurofeedback (commonly known as EEG Biofeedback) is helpful in reducing mental stress, improving brain function, and treating a variety of mood, emotional, and neurological disorders.
For those who are new to the subject, Neurofeedback therapy is a drug free and non-invasive alternative that has been in use for better than 50 years.
It's most common application is often for catering to the learning and behavior challenges of children and adults alike.
One of the most recent innovations in the field was developed by Brain State Technologies TM, which recognized the capacity to leverage traditional EEG Biofeedback with advanced software and a holistic approach to brain health and brain fitness.
The holistic approach allows practitioners to focus on balancing and optimizing the entire brain, rather than focusing on the treatment of individual symptoms or disorders.
The results of this innovation are quite extraordinary.
Many of the symptoms and issues traditionally treated by EEG Biofeedback / Neurofeedback continue to diminish or disappear (ie- stress, anxiety, depression, lack of focus or concentration, etc), but other positive effects have manifested as well.
Those who have experienced Biofeedback methods such as those developed by Brain State Technologies TM often report improvements in sleep quality and duration, sense of well-being, enhanced mental functioning, improved memory, personal performance, and improved immune system performance.
While innovations such as those developed by Brain State Technologies TM are relatively new and therefore lack some of the scientific rigor and testing undergone by traditional EEG Biofeedback and Neurofeedback, clients and practitioners alike are often amazed at the nature of the positive results.
Time will tell, but the holistic approach may very well become an industry standard.
In general, Neurofeedback and EEG Biofeedback is often quite helpful with the control of mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, as well as for more severe conditions such as medically uncontrolled seizures, minor traumatic brain injury, or cerebral palsy.
More recently, Neurofeedback therapy has been found as an effective application that works in reducing alcoholism and other addictions, as well as Post-traumatic Stress Disorders.
Another key area where Biofeedback and Neurofeedback are gaining popularity is in the area of Peak Performance.
Athletes, professional and aspiring alike, are finding that brain training provides a remarkable advantage in competition.
Learning how to identify and tap into "peak" or "zone" states, this training is particularly helpful in calming performance anxiety as well as improving actual game time performance.
Those interested in Peak Performance in other areas, such as business, academics, and meditations are also discovering the benefits of these training methods.
In reality, there are very few (if any) areas of life where a higher performing brain doesn't have a positive impact.
As technology is advances, more advances and breakthroughs in brain health and fitness will inevitably follow.
But for now, Neurofeedback and Biofeedback rank very close to the top of list of affordable, accessible solutions.
For those who are interested in experiencing what it feels like to have your brain working at a higher level, or if you are suffering with brain related problems, no need to worry.
Consult your nearest Neurofeedback Practitioner or Brain State Trainer and get on the way to brain health and higher function.
Among other benefits, Neurofeedback (commonly known as EEG Biofeedback) is helpful in reducing mental stress, improving brain function, and treating a variety of mood, emotional, and neurological disorders.
For those who are new to the subject, Neurofeedback therapy is a drug free and non-invasive alternative that has been in use for better than 50 years.
It's most common application is often for catering to the learning and behavior challenges of children and adults alike.
One of the most recent innovations in the field was developed by Brain State Technologies TM, which recognized the capacity to leverage traditional EEG Biofeedback with advanced software and a holistic approach to brain health and brain fitness.
The holistic approach allows practitioners to focus on balancing and optimizing the entire brain, rather than focusing on the treatment of individual symptoms or disorders.
The results of this innovation are quite extraordinary.
Many of the symptoms and issues traditionally treated by EEG Biofeedback / Neurofeedback continue to diminish or disappear (ie- stress, anxiety, depression, lack of focus or concentration, etc), but other positive effects have manifested as well.
Those who have experienced Biofeedback methods such as those developed by Brain State Technologies TM often report improvements in sleep quality and duration, sense of well-being, enhanced mental functioning, improved memory, personal performance, and improved immune system performance.
While innovations such as those developed by Brain State Technologies TM are relatively new and therefore lack some of the scientific rigor and testing undergone by traditional EEG Biofeedback and Neurofeedback, clients and practitioners alike are often amazed at the nature of the positive results.
Time will tell, but the holistic approach may very well become an industry standard.
In general, Neurofeedback and EEG Biofeedback is often quite helpful with the control of mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, as well as for more severe conditions such as medically uncontrolled seizures, minor traumatic brain injury, or cerebral palsy.
More recently, Neurofeedback therapy has been found as an effective application that works in reducing alcoholism and other addictions, as well as Post-traumatic Stress Disorders.
Another key area where Biofeedback and Neurofeedback are gaining popularity is in the area of Peak Performance.
Athletes, professional and aspiring alike, are finding that brain training provides a remarkable advantage in competition.
Learning how to identify and tap into "peak" or "zone" states, this training is particularly helpful in calming performance anxiety as well as improving actual game time performance.
Those interested in Peak Performance in other areas, such as business, academics, and meditations are also discovering the benefits of these training methods.
In reality, there are very few (if any) areas of life where a higher performing brain doesn't have a positive impact.
As technology is advances, more advances and breakthroughs in brain health and fitness will inevitably follow.
But for now, Neurofeedback and Biofeedback rank very close to the top of list of affordable, accessible solutions.
For those who are interested in experiencing what it feels like to have your brain working at a higher level, or if you are suffering with brain related problems, no need to worry.
Consult your nearest Neurofeedback Practitioner or Brain State Trainer and get on the way to brain health and higher function.