The Entrepreneurial Mindset - How To Concentrate Better
Those who are new to internet marketing can be quite challenged by information overload.
Learning how to concentrate better to tune out all the different types of information which is "out there waiting there for us"-- in our emails or the various social media sites, for example-- is extremely important.
If you're at all like me you can start out browsing on an internet forum with the intention of reading a couple posts-- perhaps replying to one-- but an hour later you're still just "post-hopping" and haven't written any comments to encourage or help others.
For me, the learning curve seems astronomical! Sometimes I hear myself screeching with frustration (AAARRRGH!!!) because of the sheer volume of new information I have to understand.
Coming from a mental health/counseling psychology background, you can imagine that I have a very underdeveloped left brain; therefore, I highly value learning whatever methods I can to improve focus and concentration.
I would like to share with you a process, The Golden Chain, which combines self-hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, to help you learn how to concentrate better.
You can use this technique for other areas of your life as well, but let's focus (!) on how to concentrate better today...
The Golden Chain Exercise-To Help You Concentrate Better This exercise is optimally experienced with a certified clinical hypnotherapist or NLP practitioner.
However, if one is not available you can also have a friend or family member guide you through each of the steps of the exercise Have you felt at times ready to learn everything you need to master your internet business, but also felt weighed down by information overload? Maybe you've had a great idea but after sifting through emails and all the other stuff out there on the internet including shiny new "get rich overnight" programs, you keep seeing one new thing after another, and another and another...
like links in a heavy gold metal chain.
Link after link, all of this information seems firmly connected and holding you tightly down like a ship tied to the dock.
When faced with the monumental amount of information that bombards us, many of us feel like our progress forward is being affected.
We feel this way because we have a limiting belief that perhaps we won't be able to learn what it is that we need to know to move our business project forward.
In this exercise, just let the heavy golden chain represent the problem of lack of concentration and the limiting belief that we might not learn what we need to move our business forward.
You know you feel held back but don't know exactly what your limiting belief is.
The Golden Chain becomes an unconscious metaphor allowing that challenge to be released and experienced differently.
Let's begin the exercise: 1.
Get yourself comfy in a quiet, undisturbed place in your home or office, wherever you feel most safe and secure.
Close your eyes and imagine a timeline of your life...
see and imagine yourself standing on a road representing your life.
Take a moment to identify which direction on the road is your past and which direction is your future (i.
, left or right from where you're standing).
Step into the present time on the road and face the past.
Imagine holding a gold chain in your non-dominant hand (i.
, if you generally do most things with your right hand, hold the chain in your left).
Imagine holding the cold, hard chain links-feel the weight and coldness of the chain.
Imagine the chain growing back into your past and binding itself to the limiting belief you are holding that you won't have the ability to learn all the things you need to learn to get your business off the ground.
Each link of the chain, as you feel it in your hand, is binding itself to the past, and feels heavier and colder at just the right points having to do with this belief you have.
As your fingers reach the end of the chain, notice how heavy it has become.
Now, it's time to let go of that old chain that has kept you anchored into that unresourceful past.
So, just notice how it is to be holding and reliving that old limiting belief and problems associated with it.
Take as long as you need..
when you feel like you've held onto that old problem of lack of concentration long enough, and when you're ready to move ahead, onto something better, then..
Just Let That Chain Go and Be Free.
Now, imagine a strong Golden Cord in your other hand, in your dominant hand.
This strong golden cord also begins to grow back into the past.
This cord connects to all the positive points needed to replace what you have just let go of.
Ask your subconscious mind to locate any positive memories or experiences that you need to replace what you have just let go of.
Imagine a strong Golden Cord connecting out to each resource...
at each contact point the cord is attached to very light helium balloons.
Each of the light balloons are warming and empowering to you.
Keep seeing the golden cord as it continues to grow until it reaches the other end, as far as it needs to connect with each resource out there.
Transfer the golden cord from your dominant hand to your non-dominant hand.
Notice the differences in sensations, now that the strong, golden cord replaces the cold, hard golden chain.
Notice how much lighter the cord with the light, colorful helium balloons tied to each resource available to you, feels right now.
Turn and face the future now.
With the light golden cord in your hand, step forward and sense all the new experiences becoming available to you, with all the new resources in your hands now that you have this light, brighter belief in place.
Celebrate! Anchor your good feelings by opening up your eyes, getting up out of your chair and planting your feet firmly on the ground, slightly apart.
Now, stretch out your arms, holding them high up above your head and say, "Wow! I am now able to lightly move forward in the direction of my intended business goal! I have new insights and can even make a plan with a few positive action steps that I will be concentrating on over the next week.
" Congratulations, Well Done!