How to Add a Head to Another Body in Photoshop
- 1). Open Photoshop. Click the "File" menu. Click "Open." Search for the photo with the head to paste onto another body and double-click the file name. The image opens in the Photoshop work area.
- 2). Click the "File" menu again and repeat the opening process to get to the photo with the body to place the head onto, so two images are on the work desk. Skip this step if pasting the head onto a body in the same photo.
- 3). Click the "Lasso" tool on the "Tools" pane. Draw an outline around the person's head. When blinking lines appear, press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys on the keyboard to copy the head.
- 4). Bring the other image with the body to the forefront if using two separate pictures. Press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys together on the keyboard to paste the copy of the head.
- 5). Drag the head into place by clicking the "Move" tool, the icon at the top of the "Tools" pane.
- 6). Resize the head, if desired, by pulling down the "Edit" menu, clicking "Transform Path," clicking "Scale" and shrinking the head to fit the body.