Breakup Advice: How to Win Your Boyfriend Back And Save Your Relationship
Mistakes were made by both of you.
Arguments came to you both more and more and before you knew it you were broken up.
But you do not want this.
You want him back.
But what do you do? Read on and we will you some tips on how to win your boyfriend back.
The first thing that you must do is take a long hard look at yourself.
You may think that it was not your fault.
But it takes two to make a relationship and two to break it.
Unless he cheated or something as extreme then your best bet would be to let it all go.
If not then look inwards.
Think about when things begin to go wrong and what was going on.
Realize the mistakes that you made and be willing to work on those mistakes so that they do not surface again.
Your first impulse is going to be to run to him and declare your undying love and tell him you want him back.
Do not.
Work on you first.
Make yourself beautiful.
It will not only boost your confidence it will make him remember all of the reasons that he fell in love with you in the first place.
If you have mutual friends or you run into one of his friends do not put him down.
Show them that you are positive and confident.
If they ask what happened you can tell them but do not make your boyfriend look bad.
People can be influenced by their friends so make a good impression.
Wake up that girl he fell in love with.
Show all of those qualities again.
When he sees these things he will remember that person and may even come to you.
Always be consistent but at the same time be willing to change if changing will make you a better person.
Stay positive as much as you can especially when you are around him.
If you let him see how depressed you may be or down you are it may make him pull away from you even further then he already is.
Being positive will take you a lot further then negativity will.
You need to respect your self through all of this.
Do not become a stalker.
In other words still do you.
Do not make every minute about him or he will pick up on that and run the other way.
It is okay to show that you still care about someone as long as you do not go overboard with it.
Ask yourself this very important question? Do you really truly want to win your boyfriend back? Because if you are not 100% sure that you do then that will shine through.
If you are not sure then you need to move on.
But if you are sure he is what you want then try these tips and be patient and you just may win your boyfriend back.