How to Install Animated Wallpapers
- 1). Download and install a program to your computer that will allow it to run animated wallpaper. This can include DreamMaker or Deskscapes, which are available on Dream WinCustomize's website. Make sure the program is compatible with your operating system.
- 2). Search for the exact type of animated wallpaper you want for your computer. There are a number of websites that feature animated wallpapers for free download.
- 3). Click on the Download button on-screen once you find your choice of wallpaper. In most cases, this will take you to another page to confirm the download by pressing a similar button. Choose a location on your computer to save the file to and press save.
- 4). Locate the saved wallpaper file on your computer, going to either the desktop or whichever folder you saved it to. Right-click on the file and select the "set as background" command.
- 5). Close out all remaining files and the animated program should appear as the wallpaper. Restart the computer if necessary.