How to Get Your Ex Back Fast
you don't think that this question is important? Ok..
well let me ask you this.
Do you really think for a minute that you will get anywhere running back and apologizing for the wrong reason? If you do, then try that out and come back and tell me how it worked.
I am sure that I will have to say I told you so, but try it anyway.
Rule #1 - If you have no idea why you broke up, then you have no chance at the make up.
Have you ever broken up and felt totally baffled and confused? Well, there you go.
How can you do the right thing without focus and a clear action plan? Rule #2 - Never apologize just for the sake of doing it.
They will see right through it and have even more reason to justify the break up.
The chances of repeating whatever it is you are apologizing for increases, since you only apologized for show Rule #3 - Do not take make up advise from someone who cannot keep a steady relationship.
Poor people do not take advice from poor people, so why should you? Do not take advise from your best friend solely because he or she is your best friend especially if they have a history of breakups with a short or still to be found list of make ups.
Though theses three rules seem simple and normal, you will be surprised how many people totally overlook them in their almost desperate flight to find a solution to their problem.
Doing this only makes matters worst in the long run, drastically reducing the possibilities of making up.