Help! My Ex is Not Calling Me Back!
You know like in those sappy romance movies where the guy knows EXACTLY the right words to say and how to say them to make his pissed-off girl crack a smile and take him back? Does this "magic script" even exist?? Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words that will cast an almost magical spell and make your angry ex call you back.
I am giving out this info because I've been there.
Being lonely sucks.
Especially when you haven't been alone in a LONG time.
And it sucks even worse when the person you care about is too incensed to even return your phone calls, texts or IMs? Hold up tho...
WARNING! If you use what I provide here alone without a solid fundamental STRATEGY and coming from a true place of LOVE, then NOTHING you do will work, man.
Keep reading to find out where you can snag that super strategy! Whatever you do, don't say THIS! Before you start "improvising", lemme give you the heads up on what NOT to say to your ex.
2 categories: BEGGING AND PLEADING- "John/Janey baby, please, please call me.
I need you baby.
This is the 5th time I have called.
Don't be like this.
Oooo!" The FAKE emergency- "Cindy, sweety, this is an emergency.
As soon as You get this, i gotta talk to you!" Yeah these are bad karma and opening up the convo under false pretenses or they look plain WEAK Be CURIOUS.
Appeal to THEM Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are Curiosity & Self Interest.
When you combine the two, you have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'.
Try this on for size.
FRIENDLY: "Hi Cinderella!.
It's your Prince Charming...
I wanted to let you know I love what you did for me.
Call me back because I want to thank you in person.
" Notice the difference.
You never told her WHAT she actually did for you! Instant curiosity.
"Cindy" will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?" "What does he appreciate?" she will think.
And she feels good because it is a positive message.
Obviously, YOU have to have something in mind worth "thanking" her for.
In other words, SET IT UP..
It can be any small thing...
but nothing too goofy.
2nd WARNING! Have a SOLID Strategy! Keep reading to find out where you can snag that super strategy! Use this technique without the right strategy and its STRAIGHT DAMAGE to your prospects of hooking back up.
What I am saying is...
What you do before, during and after you get them to return your call is MORE important than getting them to return your call.
Make sense? - B.
Rose If only you had a script.
You know like in those sappy romance movies where the guy knows EXACTLY the right words to say and how to say them to make his pissed-off girl crack a smile and take him back? Does this "magic script" even exist?? Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words that will cast an almost magical spell and make your angry ex call you back.
I am giving out this info because I've been there.
Being lonely sucks.
Especially when you haven't been alone in a LOONG time.
And it sucks even worse when the person you care about is too incensed to even return your phone calls, texts or IMs? Hold up tho...
WARNING! If you use what I provide here alone without a solid fundamental STRATEGY and coming from a true place of LOVE, then NOTHING you do will work, man.
Keep reading to find out where you can snag that super strategy! Whatever you do, don't say THIS! Before you start "improvising", lemme give you the heads up on what NOT to say to your ex.
2 categories: BEGGING AND PLEADING- "John/Janey baby, please, please call me.
I need you baby.
This is the 5th time I have called.
Don't be like this.
Oooo!" The FAKE emergency- "Cindy, sweety, this is an emergency.
As soon as You get this, i gotta talk to you!" Yeah these are bad karma and opening up the convo under false pretenses or they look plain WEAK Be CURIOUS.
Appeal to THEM Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are Curiosity & Self Interest.
When you combine the two, you have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'.
Try this on for size.
FRIENDLY: "Hi Cinderella!.
It's your Prince Charming...
I wanted to let you know I love what you did for me.
Call me back because I want to thank you in person.
" Notice the difference.
You never told her WHAT she actually did for you! Instant curiosity.
"Cindy" will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?" "What does he appreciate?" she will think.
And she feels good because it is a positive message.
Obviously, YOU have to have something in mind worth "thanking" her for.
In other words, SET IT UP..
It can be any small thing...
but nothing too goofy.
2nd WARNING! Have a SOLID Strategy! Keep reading to find out where you can snag that super strategy! Use this technique without the right strategy and its STRAIGHT DAMAGE to your prospects of hooking back up.
What I am saying is...
What you do before, during and after you get them to return your call is MORE important than getting them to return your call.
Make sense? - B.