Cure Panic Attacks in a Easy Way
Phobias may not lead to panic attacks, but if you have bouts of anxiety about some things stretching over a long time, you may have anticipatory attacks which may result in phobias.
Unpredictable panic attacks are triggered by apprehensions in your subconscious mind.
The attacks can last for ten to twenty minutes or even more if proper medical treatment is not administered in time.
Panic attacks cause a lot of distress to children whereas adults can handle panic attacks better.
Sometimes these are mistaken for heart attacks and the wrong treatment can aggravate the situation.
They occur in persons due to the following reasons: · Psychological - inherited problem, prolonged illness, anxiety from stress, use of wrong medicines.
· Medical - imbalance of chemicals in your body due to medication · Anesthetics - use of anesthetics during surgical procedures · Physical abuse - smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine, use of sedatives During such attack you may have some of the following symptoms: · Profuse sweating · Dizziness, numbness and choking sensation · Increased rate of heartbeat · Uncontrollable trembling · A dread of dying, going mad or impending doom Panic attacks in a person can be treated by using a combination of both Psychotherapy and proper medicines.
Psychotherapy like CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been proven to give good results in preventing relapses of them.
On the other hand, anti-depressants and medicines for reducing anxiety have been found to work wonders.
The intake of less caffeinated products also causes the anxiety levels to come down in the long run, though reducing caffeine in your food may cause some bouts of anxiety initially.
Panic disorder treatment Panic disorders can be sometimes very frightening.
In such situation a person may even lose self control and this can even to lead to heart attack.
Earlier panic attacks were treated as a result of stress but now it is seen that this condition needs proper medical help.
In reality there may not be any danger but a person who is suffering from panic disorder may face each and every situation with intensive fear.
Some people can face few panic attacks in their lifetime but for those who suffer from frequent panic attacks can develop severe panic disorder.
So panic disorder treatment is very necessary because if not treated properly one may face many difficulties in day to day normal functioning of life.
The cause of panic disorder varies from person to person.
So the treatment is also not same for everyone.
The panic disorder treatment is mainly provided in order to eliminate dangers related to panic attacks and this treatment also allows an individual to lead a normal life.
The main treatments in case of panic disorders are medication and psychotherapy.
Through psychotherapy one learns about basic reasons of panic disorders and various ways to cope up with the prevailing conditions.
CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) help people to learn from their own experiences that panic disorders are not always dangerous.
Medication is mainly provided to prevent various symptoms.
The common medications provided are SSRI (Selectiveserotoninreuptakeinhibitors), BenzodiazepinesandSNRI(Serotonin andnorepinephrinereuptake inhibitors).
SSRI and SNRI are different groups of anti-depressants but they too have some side-effects like headache and drowsiness.
Sometimes a medication may not work on a certain patient, in such a case doctors normally prescribe other medicines or combine a group of medicines.
But before starting any medication one should have knowledge regarding various side-effects and involved risks.