Stressed Out at Work? Overcome Anxiety Easily With These 7 Top Tips!
Set Your Intent For The Day.
Upon waking in the morning,speak to yourself in a positive and empowering way, because your subconscious mind will take your words as an order and carry it out.
So, start your day by setting your focus on having a happy, calm and productive day, where you will do your best, and that will be good enough! 2.
Have you noticed that when you feel anxious there is a certain look and posture that you fall into? Maybe you slump your shoulders,or you tighten your forehead,or you are rushing around at a fast pace? Slow down, deliberately put a smile on your face, put your shoulders back,and relax.
If, during your day you find yourself in your old posture, change it quickly.
Stay in the moment.
Focus on the job you are doing right now.
This will help you overcome anxiety by preventing overwhelm.
If worrying thoughts enter your mind, just mentally say STOP and get your mind back to what you were doing.
Tell yourself that is all you need to do right now, and nothing else.
Learn To Minimise.
When we are stressed, we tend to magnify things in our mind and this creates more fear.
In order to overcome anxiety, when you begin to feel pressured, try saying to yourself "this is a minor inconvenience, I can handle that".
This may sound like a tall order.
Nevertheless, finding a way to calm down is vital to remaining sane.
Just 10 minutes, in a quiet room with eyes closed, focussing on slow breathing, will restore your energy and help you overcome anxiety.
Be Creative.
If you are having problems with a colleague,draw the person you are upset with(when you get home!!!!)and exaggerate their characteristics, give them a relevant nickname, and write about their personality as you imagine it.
It will make you laugh and help discharge some of the stress you may be feeling.
Develop a sense of humour! Sometimes you will get days when everything appears to go wrong.
We all get them.
The thing to do is to be able to laugh at them and at yourself for getting caught up in the drama! Try to see your experiences as a spectator would, watching a play.
If you laugh, you will be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way! The above suggestions can help you begin to overcome anxiety, and will be useful for the future.
However, the only way to permanently eradicate anxiety is to get to the root cause.