Turning Feedback Into the Breakfast of Entrepreneurial Champions
Because every action we take either through money, other people or our own effort is a expression of the intention to get a result.
And the ability to evaluate and learn from that result is the one of the biggest differences between the business person that gets the same level of financial results in 2 years that will take 90% of the other people with all other equal resources 10 years or more if they ever reach them.
A couple ways to get feedback You can receive feedback on your strategies and techniques simply by running them by unbiased, honest experts that have already helped others get the results that they wanted.
Or, you can contact people in you trust have knowledge in your industry in order to ensure that you are learning from people who have had success before you.
You can use surveys to contact your customers or clients and ask them for comments about ether why they first purchased the product from you or invested in your services.
You can also contact people who said no in the past and ask them what specifically it was that they didn't buy from you, as well as what they would have liked to hear to know that buying from you was right for them.
These types of questions can be very enlightening when they are answered honestly, and they can significantly change your results in the future (as well as the opportunity to put yourself in front of your potential customers again.
But really at the end of the day is finding ways to objectively evaluate what your putting your resources into while sorting in your mind for ways to do things better.