Ultimate Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires (Secrets of Your Business Life Coach)
As he would always say to me: The person who succeeds in life is not necessarily the person who runs the fastest or jumps the highest; it's not the person who is the best looking or the one with a university degree.
"The person who succeeds massively is the on who has certain character traits" So lets now study these character traits and apply these Ultimate Success Secrets below of Self-Made Millionaires.
Dream Big Dreams Create a vision that inspires you and other individuals to become more than they currently are.
Then visualize, imagine and create an exciting picture of personal wealth and prosperity; see yourself already enjoying the wealth and success.
Develop a Clear Sense of Direction Learn a powerful, proven goal-setting technique that can change your life, and make sure your goals are SMART goals; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed.
Become a Marketing Expert Leaders know marketing is the life blood to all business success and it extends into all facets of your life, both personally and professionally.
Do What You Love To Do Identify the ideal work for you and then get paid well for doing it.
Be Flexible Leaders adapt and think outside the square.
They understand that flexibility is powerful and they utilize whatever is presented to them.
Work Harder and Smarter Organize your time so you get more done and contribute more value.
Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning Read or listen to something that will improve and empower your mind every day.
Keep away from negative or non-productive people and activities.
Commit yourself to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement.
Become an Outstanding Negotiator Never pay full price.
Consume less and never pay any more than you need to for anything.
Also always Pay Yourself First.
Leverage Yourself Leaders understand the power of systems and are continually leveraging their time and money through systems.
Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others This is the starting point of all personal fortunes.
Be Absolutely Honest With Yourself and Others Personal integrity goes hand in hand with financial success.
Set Priorities and Concentrate Single-mindedly The importance of focusing on your most important tasks all day long is critical to your success 13.
Develop a Reputation for Speed and Dependability This will give you a winning edge in everything you do.
Be Optimistic and Positive Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Each day on average we have 90,000 thoughts go through our minds, make sure you're feeding your mind with positive ones 15.
Practice Self-Discipline in All Things Develop this skill as it's one of the most important qualities for financial success.
Unlock your Creativity Learn how to utilize your subconscious mind to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle, achieve any goal.
Get Around the Right People It's important to surround yourself with winners at each stage of your career.
Take Excellent Care of your Physical Health Exercise and meditate daily, eat healthy food and drink lots of water, as water is one of the keys to optimum brain function and it will help increase and maintain high levels of energy and fitness.
Never Allow Failure to be an Option Never see failure as failure, just see it as an opportunity for learning experience.
Get Yourself a Coach Awesome leaders understand the true power of having a coach, keeping you focused on the important things, enabling your true hidden potential to be released.
Take Massive Action Leaders are bold.
They are men and women who always take action everyday towards achieving their goals and outcomes.
They always take 100% responsibility for their life as they know they are in charge of creating it.
Again, I sincerely thank my mentor Darren Stephens for his sharing of these Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires and for all his wonderful teachings and continuous guidance.
As always good luck, my friends, may your business make you millions.
Now, Make the Change and Excite Your Life!