How to Draw a Two Perspective City
- 1). Draw a horizon line across your page. Mark two points on the horizon line to indicate the two vanishing points.
- 2). Start drawing the building closest to you first. Draw a vertical line anywhere between the vanishing points. The line should extend above the horizon line; where the line ends below the horizon will determine the street level.
- 3). Use a ruler to draw diagonal lines from the top and bottom of the vertical line to the vanishing points. Draw vertical lines on either side of the first vertical line. They should stop and start on the diagonal lines.
- 4). Add doors and windows by drawing parallel vertical lines, always measuring the top and bottom angles back to the vanishing points. Erase any diagonal lines that overlap onto the side of the buildings.
- 5). Erase the horizon line that overlaps into the first building, as well as the top diagonal lines.
- 6). Add more buildings as you did the first, having them all end at the street level. The top of the buildings should vary in height. Some of the buildings should even be so low that they are below the horizon line and you can see the top of the building. Create the top of the building by measuring the front corners to the vanishing points as well as the back corners.
- 7). Add a sidewalk, and street, where all of the buildings end. Do this by drawing a diagonal line from the vanishing points parallel to the bottom angle drawn in Step 3. Shade in some of the sides of the buildings to create more space.