The No Contact Rule - The Only Rule You Need to Follow to Get Your Ex Back!
So when you hear that the best way to get your ex back is to follow the No Contact Rule, you are likely to want to throw that advice away as quickly as you heard it.
But do not do that, the No Contact Rule is the best, and only, rule you will need to follow if you want to get your ex back.
If you were in a relationship where you and your partner spoke daily, the No Contact Rule might be especially tricky, but stick with it, it will work.
No contact means exactly what it says, no contact, none, whatsoever.
You both need time apart right now and the best thing to do is to give your ex some space.
You must be strong, as this is a tentative time in your relationship and contacting them before they are ready is likely to ruin any chances you might have at reuniting.
The last thing you want to do is push them away and by following the No Contact Rule, you keep yourself from making an irreparable error.
Don't let this time apart throw you into a state of depression.
See this as an opportunity! There are likely people and hobbies that were neglected while you were in your relationship, so rekindle those and have a great time! You need to be out there, having fun, and enjoying your life.
If your ex happens to see you out having a blast without them, this will only speed up the process.
You are having fun without them and that won't make them very happy.
The No Contact Rule is beginning to work its magic.
There is a good chance that you will soon receive a call from your ex wanting to talk about the possibility of giving your relationship a second chance.
At this point, it is easy to see how the No Contact Rule is the best, most successful method to get your ex back, that you'll wonder why you ever doubted it.