How to Remove Mold From the Walls in a House
- 1). Determine how large an area of mold is growing on your wall. If the area is larger than 10 square feet, the Washington State Department of Health suggests calling a professional to remove it. If the area is less than 10 square feet, you can safely remove the mold yourself.
- 2). Wear protective gear. When cleaning up mold, you should always wear a cotton face mask or a face mask approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Wear rubber gloves and goggles whenever you are handling mold or anything that has touched mold.
- 3). Remove furniture and other household items from the room and seal the area off. Close off any heating or air ducts, fireplaces or vents with a plastic bag taped over the area.
- 4). Scrub the area with an abrasive sponge and a solution of one part laundry detergent and one part warm water. Do not rinse the area--then apply a solution of 1 cup of bleach and 1 cup of water to the wall. Finally, apply a dishwashing or laundry detergent that contains borate.
- 5). Vacuum and wash all surfaces of the rest of the house to ensure no mold spores have settled on other surfaces.