He Loves You, Don"t Let His Silence Fool You
First of all, know that he is NEVER thinking negative.
Well, for the most part he isn't.
You may think that he has all of these problems going on at one time because he just isn't talking to you.
Simple: He isn't thinking of anything.
Plain and simple.
Men think in boxes.
There are boxes in his mind that are opened and closed, when needed to be.
He has one for every person, idea, problem (or just anything that he is thinking of).
He opens it and then when he is finished with it, he will close it and put it back in it's rightful place.
There is even a box for you as well.
When it is opened, that is usually when his guard is down and he is all about you and the relationship.
Do you know that he truly loves you and thinks that he has to solve all of your problems.
When we have a problem, his instincts automatically want to be the problem solver.
Of course, we don't expect him to be at all.
We all know that we just need him to be there for us.
Sometimes he may just be sitting there quiet as can be, trying to figure out a solution to our problems and concerns.
Then there are times where he has his "empty" box and there is no way that he will ever let anyone in it.
These are the times where he is probably sitting there with nothing to say.
There is NOTHING wrong with him at all.
NO, he will not let you (or anyone/anything) into his empty box either.
Quite the contrary to women who constantly have things going on in her mind.
There is never a time that a woman has "nothing" to think about.
We tend to think that there is something wrong with him, when he just has his little empty box out and is just sitting there "blank".
Men are natural problem solvers.
They tend to think that they have to solve all of our problems and have a solution to everything.
The next time that your man is just sitting there and not saying a word, remember his empty box, smile and leave him alone.
When he is ready to open "your box", you will know it.
In the meantime, everything is okay.