How to Dig Out a Willow Tree
- 1). Perform a root pruning to prevent acute root stress during transplanting, Cornell University Cooperative Extension advises. Root prune a year ahead of the move, if possible. For root pruning, drive in a sharp shovel around the tree in a circle 3 to 4 feet in diameter, cutting through the roots. This provides a defined, compact root ball for easier transplanting and less stress for the tree.
- 2). Prepare a new hole for the willow tree that is as deep as the tree's root ball and two to three times wider, loosening up the soil at the site to accommodate the the tree's roots. Do this before you dig the willow tree out of its current location. Do not amend the soil at the new site.
- 3). Water the tree two or three days before transplanting, if the soil is dry. Immediately before digging, tie up any low-hanging branches to prevent injury during transplanting. Cornell University Cooperative Extension advises digging the tree out following these steps: Drive a sharp spade into the ground approximately 12 inches deep and 2 to 4 inches beyond the root pruning area, and cut all the way around the tree. Carefully remove loose soil and mulch from around the plant. Dig a trench at least 3/4 the depth of the root ball. Shave off soil from around the root ball, until it's reached its original diameter and cut beneath the roots, rounding the bottom mass into a ball.
- 4). Tip the soil ball to one side and place a roll of damp burlap underneath. Damp burlap prevents the roots from drying out. Tip the ball to the other side, so the unrolled burlap can be opened. Pull the burlap up around the root ball, tie with twine, and take the tree out of hole. Ensure that the burlap is tied tightly before moving the tree to its new location.
- 5). Trim off broken roots, making clean cuts with a sharp blade before planting. Also cut off any circling or kinked roots to prevent future girdling of the willow tree, the North Dakota State University Department of Agriculture advises. (Reference 2, under Planting)
- 6). Water the planting hole if it is dry. Plant the tree with the trunk and roots in the new location at the same level as they were in the previous one. Water it in well and pack soil gently against all the roots to prevent air pockets. Provide 2 to 3 inches of mulch over the root area, although do not place mulch against the trunk of the tree. Wait until the next growing season to fertilize, because the roots won't benefit until they've reestablished themselves, Washington State University Extension says. For the next two summers, deep water the tree at least every two weeks to help roots become established.