Saving a Relationship - It Takes Time
There are a few steps that can be taken to do this, although the wanted results may not be attained over night.
The first thing that has to be considered when trying to save a relationship is what you really want.
Do you really want to be with this person or are you simply in love with the idea of a relationship? This is a mistake that many people make when seeking a resolution to save a relationship.
Many people are also afraid to be alone and either they hang on to a relationship that is unsalvageable or they jump into new relationships without taking the time to evaluate themselves.
One you have decided that you want to save a relationship that you are in; you have to make sure that this is what your partner wants as well.
If your partner is not a willing party in this reconciliation it will not work.
You cannot save a relationship on your own.
Talk about the things that you both like about the relationship and explore the reason you both feel you should stay together.
Make sure that the reasons are for yourselves and not just because of the children or because your families won't approve of a divorce or break up.
Be candid about the problems without being accusatory.
A great way to achieve this is to talk about your feelings.
Instead of accusing your partner of cheating, say I feel that I am not getting enough attention.
Talking about feelings this way makes sure that the defenses will not go up which may lead to an argument.
Talking is vital in trying to save a relationship.
Also be accepting of what your partner has to say.
Do not be defensive.
Looking at yourself and your behavior is a huge step in saving a relationship and is definitely a step in the right direction.
Lines of communication must remain open if you want to reach any resolution.
In fact, lack of communication is what causes the breakdown of 70% of relationships today.
After conveying your feeling to each other the next step in saving a relationship is finding ways to fix the issues.
Do not be afraid to tell each other what you want.
With that being said, all demands cannot be met but compromises can be made.
That does not mean to settle for an unhappy situation but to talk about how you can meet each other half way.