How Do I Convince My Ex-Girlfriend To Take Me Back - 3 Things You Need to Do
Here are some things that you need to do if you want to convince your ex girlfriend to take you back:
1. First off all, don't try too hard to "convince" her to take you back, because that just does not work.
Trying to convince someone to do something that they do not want to do is probably the biggest waste of breath and energy that you can take on. It's hard to convince someone with words that you are a different person or that you are worth giving a second chance. We all know that words can be meaningless at times, especially when one person is trying too hard to "convince" the other person.
2. Second, you need to really give her a break, especially if you have already tried hard to convince her.
If you have already done your best to convince her to come back to you, then you need to give it a rest for a little while. If you just keep on pushing forward, her only reaction or response is going to be to pull away from you. You do not need to drive her further away, so stop for a little while. Give her time to clear her mind and also for you to do the same.
3. The best way to persuade a woman to come back is to make her feel like she cannot resist you.
Trying any other strategy to get your ex girlfriend to come back is going to take a lot of work. However, if you focus more on making her feel so much attraction that she cannot resist you, then it becomes a lot easier. There will be a lot less need to convince her of anything, because that is what she will want to have happen. You need to focus on rebuilding the attraction with your ex girlfriend if you want to have her back in your life.