How to Add a Breakfast Bar to a Kitchen Island
Things You'll Need
1Place the 1-by-12-inch lumber on a worktable along with the corbels. Measure from one end of the 12-inch lumber and mark the center (18 inches).
Measure the width of the corbel, and split the difference on each side of the center mark. For example, if the corbel is 4 inches wide, make a mark at 2 inches from the center mark in both directions.
Place the corbel on the marks and trace its pattern on the 12-inch lumber. Remove the corbel and drill two pilot holes with the variable speed drill and the 1/16-inch drill bit. Drill one hole within 1 inch from the top and the other hole 1 inch from the bottom of the corbel. Repeat this for the corbels that will be installed on the ends of the 12-inch lumber.
Apply glue to the area where the corbels will be installed, and secure them with the deck screws. Be careful not to countersink the screws any more than necessary to prevent them from protruding from the front of the corbel. Clean excess glue immediately with a damp cloth.
Place the 18-inch wide plywood on the table. Measure from one of the long edges and make a mark at 4 inches. Do this several times to establish enough marks to draw a line down the 36-inch width of the plywood. Next, drill pilot holes 3/8 inch from the line with the 1/16-inch drill bit.
Apply glue to the top of the corbels and the top edge of the 1-by-12. Place the 18-inch piece of plywood on the top of the corbels so the pilot holes line up with the top edge of the 1-by-12. Secure the plywood to the lumber with the 6d finish nails.
Install the bar top to the island from inside the cabinet with 1 1/4-inch deck screws. Be certain that the bar top stays level as you secure it to the island cabinet. Measure and cut the 1-by-2-by-120-inch solid wood edging to cover the raw edges of the plywood top. Apply glue to the plywood edge and install the 1-by-2 with the 6d finish nails. Stain or paint.