Hillbilly Backyard Games
- HIllbilly games are outdoor games the whole family can play.horseshoe game image by HannaSigel from Fotolia.com
Hillbilly games are known as such because they are usually played outdoors with family and friends. The games can be purchased ready-made, but all got their start as homemade games created out of materials found around the farm or home. Rules of the games may vary from place to place and generation to generation, but the game pieces and construction are basically the same. - Cornhole toss is a type of outdoor beanbag game and a variation of horseshoes. The beanbags are filled with corn instead of beans. The target board is placed on the ground with the top end angled upward. One or more holes are in the target board. Rules vary according to game manufacturer or the tradition of the group that is playing. The general rules of the game are to get a "cornbag" into one of the holes for three points. A bag that lands on the board but not in the hole gets one point. At least two people or teams play the game. The winning score should be determined before the game begins.
- This game has a variety of names, but is most commonly known as "hillbilly golf" or "ladderball." The game target is a three-rung ladder. Players toss three bolos, which are two golf balls attached by a length of rope, toward the ladder.
If the bolo hangs from one of the ladder rungs, points are scored. One point is for the bottom rung, two for the middle and three for the top rung. Bonus points are awarded for various feats. The game is played until one person reaches the score of twenty-one. - A washer toss game is a shallow square box with a cup attached in the center. Players make points by tossing metal washers onto the game board. Various rules apply, but usually one point is made for getting the washer inside the box and three for getting a washer inside the center cup. The game may be played in teams or by two individuals. A score of twenty-one is the common winning score.
- For an inexpensive game at a backyard get-together, many people use what they have on hand to create a game. Trash bags work well for a no-equipment-needed volleyball game. String a piece of rope or line up lawn chairs for a net. Open a trash bag, swish it to fill with air. Close the bag quickly and use a twist tie to hold. Play volleyball until the bag is deflated or destroyed, then make another trash bag ball. Large or small trash bags may be used. Play with regular volleyball rules or make them up as you go.
Hillbilly Golf
Washer Toss
Trash Bag Volleyball