This is Why You Are Not Successful With Your Relationships! The Cause of Every Breakup Revealed!
In fact, you have probably thought the causes were your bad habits, or were some things you did, or maybe it was your ex etc...
but all of these conclusions would be wrong.
Read on to find out why you are still not successful with your relationships and the cause of your breakup..
The cause of every breakup Most people get into a relationship for the wrong reasons.
Yup, that's right.
Most people don't even realize this, and because of this, a breakup is inevitable.
But let me explain: As you grow up, you are socially conditioned to believe that you should be educated, get a job, get the vehicle, the house etc...
and included in this is a relationship with the "right one".
Thinking that we have to get into a relationship, and eventually marry in order to prove to others that we are both socially and emotionally successful.
Of course, you may not admit this right away, but we all get into relationships to prove one thing or another.
Sometimes it's to prove something to ourselves.
Perhaps you were lonely when you found your partner, and you used them to fill the void.
Maybe you needed to feel accepted, or your self esteem boosted when you got into a relationship.
Thus, a lot of people get into a relationship because of their insecurities.
This means that you are automatically setting yourself up to fail, right from the start! This means that the cause IS NOT what you did or didn't do, and it's not your ex either.
But rather it's simply your insecurities.
Getting rid of the issue so you can be successful with your relationships OK, so it doesn't help to now know what is standing in your way, right? But you can in fact reverse the breakup and have success in your relationships.
The first thing you need to do is determine what led you to get into a relationship to begin with.
Were you lonely? Were you financially unstable, or something else? Once you know what it was, you need to begin working on self improvement in those areas, so that you no longer need to rely on others to fulfill these needs.
Once you do this, you will lower the expectations you have on your ex, because you will become more independently strong.
This in turn will make your ex feel less pressurized, and will attract him/her back, because you will no longer be needy or desperate towards them.
Just think, that the main thing your ex wants for you here, is for you to be strong and to be able to stand on your own two feet, and if you don't even want that for yourself, then he/she will eventually just be forced to give up with you.