Getting My Ex Back Didn"t Work Because I Made These Mistakes!
I tried getting my ex back but I made so many mistakes that I see the majority of people making which ruins their chances of getting back together with their boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife.
My approach to getting my ex back didn't work so here are some of the mistakes I made so that you can avoid them! Apologizing Too Much Being able to apologize when it's deserved is a good thing but if you start apologizing for everything - even things that weren't your fault - it won't seem like you mean it.
Saying sorry because you know that's what your ex wants to hear is not the best approach.
Apologizing too soon makes it look like your doing it just for the sake of it and haven't given it any real thought.
Convincing Them You Are The Love Of Their Life You want them to know you are the one but you want to do it with actions not just words.
Ideally you want them to realise you are the love of their life themselves rather than you actually having to force them to see it.
If they have to be convinced to get back together by you, your ex will have some doubt as to whether it's the right decision.
So let them realise on their own by proving that your changing.
Begging You may think that this will show your undying love.
But it just has the same effects as trying to convince your ex that you are the love of your life.
Insist It Wasn't Your Fault.
This may seem like a good idea but it basically involves telling your ex that he/she was wrong.
Looking back now getting my ex back with this approach is crazy! Is it really a good idea to undermine someone who is already angry and upset with you? You want to be on their side and work with them not against them.