Recession? Some Call it a Depression
My face doesn't show it but my knees sure do.
I am an old PE coach working on a Masters Degree in Special Education.
People ask me how I am surviving in this recession.
I have heard that a recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
A depression is when you lose your job.
I have tried my hand in several new job possibilities the last two years.
I loved teaching and coaching.
I wanted to make more money to travel and see the rest of the world.
A teacher's meager salary made that quest difficult.
Little did I know how hard it is to find new and better employment at 48.
I attended flight attendant school in Orlando, Florida.
Eleven hopeful students, ten ladies, and me.
I thought I was a shoo-in for several airlines that came to interview me.
When it was all said and done, I was the only attendee not offered a job.
(I also happened to be the oldest of the group) The airlines said age was not a factor.
I am presently marketing on line and enjoying my new found love in writing articles.
I am helping like-minded entrepreneurs find answers in this so called recession or depression.
Do you think we are on our way to another depression? Historically, it happens every 80 years.
I am the tail end of the baby-boom.
My father is 68 and he has not experienced a major depression in his life time.
There are answers for those that seek.