How Does Clomid Help Conception?
- Clomid helps a woman conceive by establishing regular cycles of ovulation. It does not stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, although that can happen naturally. Clomid works by stimulating the release of those hormones that help the ovaries grow and release a mature egg. To stimulate the release of these hormones, it reduces estrogen production by "fooling" the pituitary gland. In response, the pituitary gland releases more hormones to raise those estrogen levels back up. One of these hormones is the follicule stimulating hormone, or FSH for short. This is the hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce more and healthier eggs. Once those eggs are being produced every month, the woman has a greater chance of conceiving.
- Clomid also helps a woman conceive by improving the lining of the uterus, which is vital for the fertilized egg to implant properly. Many women suffer from luteal phase deficiency, or LPD. Women with LPD have ovaries which do not produce enough of the luteal hormone. This hormone works to maintain the blood vessels in the lining of the uterus. A lack of this hormone will either cause the lining to fall out, which happens during menstruation, or it could also cause a miscarriage.
- Clomid is taken in pill form, is relatively inexpensive and has few side effects. There are no expensive tests or shots to inject. Women trying to conceive are more likely to stick to and carefully follow a fertility treatment with these factors, rather than a more expensive and time-consuming one.
Producing Eggs
Improving the Uterus' Lining
Easy to Take