One Easy Way to Tell How Your Ex Feels About You
because if he's lost what he once felt for you, what chances will you have? Well, here's a way to tell how he still feels about you...
and it's surprisingly simple! It centers around a very popular theory these days of a sort of "scale of emotions" that everybody has.
At one end of the scale are all the extreme emotions like love and hate, and way down at the other end is plain indifference.
Everybody in the world is on your personal scale of emotions, and part of the theory is that people closer to the extreme emotions end will tend to evoke more actions and reactions out of us! You can use this idea to weigh how much your ex feels for you based on his behavior towards you...
more specifically, how open he is to communication with you (usually over the phone is the best way).
If your ex seems to not really care about responding to your calls, and rarely if ever calls you himself...
chances are you're sinking towards the indifference end of the scale...
but that's not necessarily the case, so don't give up hope just yet.
Things CAN still work out even if that's how things are looking.
The more positive possibility though, is if your ex seems all too willing to call you back, or call you himself.
This means that he's taking positive action towards you, which people just don't do for people they don't care about.
Granted, there are a slight few extenuating circumstances in which returning contact is simply polite...
but 95% of the time, this is a VERY good sign!