What Is Windows System32 Cmd EXE?
- Access the "Command Line" in "Microsoft Windows XP" by clicking the "Start" button, clicking "Run," entering "cmd" and clicking the "OK" button. In "Microsoft Windows Vista" or "Microsoft Windows 7" perform the same procedure using the "Search" option. "Command Prompt" can also be entered.
- Batch files are a series of text-based commands, to be executed in sequence, stored in a single text file. These files can have a "bat" or "cmd" extension, and will be opened by "cmd.exe" automatically.
- The "Windows Command Prompt" is often referred to by other names, due to it's similar appearance to utilities offered in older versions of "Windows," such as "Microsoft Windows 95." Some of the other labels include "DOS Prompt," "Command Line" and "DOS Window."
Access Method
Batch Files
Other Names