Search Engine Marketing - How To Keep Your Website Fresh And Enticing For Customers?
In today's digital advancement, most transactions can be made with just the click of the mouse – shopping, banking matters and other outsourcing services. This innovation stemmed from the fact that customers are now online. One common strategy is creating a website.
Keep your Website Fresh
It's no use advertising a website if it's not business-competitive and user-friendly. A working website must have an operative design that will attract a lot of visitors. Remember, your site is where your customers can know more about the company, its products and services.
1. Test your website. Try to find out how each page works. Follow the conversion path, and experience site navigation for yourself. Another trick is to ask a friend to do a user test. He might see things you won't. Then, let him evaluate the experience as he walks through the site.
2. Analyze performance. It's best to know what people – your potential customers – are doing on your site; what pages catch their attention? List the keywords that are bringing in traffic and check for analytics and performance. You can use these data to your advantage.
3. Update site content. Content is crucial not only with search engine marketing, but also with other internet marketing strategies. To make conversions, it's time to do some updates with your content. You must use content that engages, sells and informs.
4. Latest news section. You should know that search engines love new content. That's why you should post the latest information about the company – new projects, new products or services. Keep your 'latest news section' fresh and creative, as much as possible.
5. Product images. When it comes to offering products, no matter how detailed your descriptions are, it won't be enough. Create a gallery for your customers that include photos, consistent with your real products. It would also be helpful if the pictures include different angle shots.
6. A clean home page. Confusing your customers is the same as losing them. Thus, your website should present a home page that's clean and easy to navigate. Keep information, links and site widgets to a minimum. This is so you won't drive visitors away.
7. Share a personal story. Internet users of today are smart, and they surely know when they're being manipulated. One way to let them appreciate your honesty is to open up by sharing something personal. Talk about the valuable lessons you've learned or your success.
8. Be consistent. Don't overwhelm your customers. Keep the elements of your website as consistent as possible, including structure, interface, colors, and so on. Make your link colors stand out so your readers will know that certain text or word is click-able.
9. Make it window friendly. Due to convenience of online shopping, most customers are enticed to purchase items through the internet. The faster they can find what they want, the more likely they'll come back. So, make your virtual store window friendly.
10. Ask the audience. User interaction can help you build retention and loyalty. It's recommended to provide a page where customers can review your products, or give their feedback about their experience. Ask them what they want you to address.
While it's essential for a 'working' website to have an operative design, usability and function are also important factors to consider. Follow these steps to keep your website fresh. You may also take advantage of virtual assistant services to do the evaluation and updates for you.