Menopause Sexual Dysfunction - How to Increase Libido
Menopause refers to the period when a woman menstrual period diminishes.
She begins to realize less of the monthly blood loss because the womb is no longer getting ready to receive a fertilized egg.
This process is controlled by hormones, mainly estrogen and progesterone.
This hormones are produced by the ovaries and have alternating effect.
The hormone estrogen is known to lead to development of sexual characteristics including breast formation, enlarged hip and pelvic bones, increased deposit of fats around the hips, thickening of the vaginal walls and lubrication of the vagina among other roles.
During menopause and post-menopause periods, the level of estrogen drops gradually leading to loss of libido or sexual desire.
In some cases, the estrogen could still be produced in adequate amounts but the ability of the receptors to detect the hormone is reduced.
What can a female in menopausedo to correct the loss of libido? Can the loss of libido lead to more health problems? We begin with the second part of the question.
Yes, loss of libido can lead to further complications in the life of the woman.
This is because sexual fulfillment has a significant role in the character of a person.
The lack of sexual fulfillment can lead to loss of person confidence and may even increase stress levels.
What remedies do exist for such a woman? Hormone therapy is increasingly being sought as a solution for the loss of libido in women aged above 45 years.
The targeted hormone for replacement or activation is estrogen.
This can be estrified to make it more sensitive or be given in higher doses using synthetic or plant based estrogen.
An exercise is another very popular, practical, cheaper and easy to perform remedy for female sexual dysfunction.
There are several effects of exercises that would lead to better sexual life.
One is the feel good effect as you get confident of your figure 8 and get others to admire you.
Secondly is the increased production of endorphins and other hormones.
The energy levels are also increased which allows for more active role on bed.
Kegel exercises also play a role in improving the vaginal contraction which improved period of achieving orgasm.
Eating well has always been a sure way of improving health status including the sexual health.
Eating vegetables such as broccoli, kales and cabbages is known to increase blood levels of estrogen.
Vitamin A has also been shown to improve sexual activity.
Reducing stress levels through talking about your challenges, participating in meditation and yoga, learning how to better manage your time and finances among others can also improve sexual desire and orgasm.
She begins to realize less of the monthly blood loss because the womb is no longer getting ready to receive a fertilized egg.
This process is controlled by hormones, mainly estrogen and progesterone.
This hormones are produced by the ovaries and have alternating effect.
The hormone estrogen is known to lead to development of sexual characteristics including breast formation, enlarged hip and pelvic bones, increased deposit of fats around the hips, thickening of the vaginal walls and lubrication of the vagina among other roles.
During menopause and post-menopause periods, the level of estrogen drops gradually leading to loss of libido or sexual desire.
In some cases, the estrogen could still be produced in adequate amounts but the ability of the receptors to detect the hormone is reduced.
What can a female in menopausedo to correct the loss of libido? Can the loss of libido lead to more health problems? We begin with the second part of the question.
Yes, loss of libido can lead to further complications in the life of the woman.
This is because sexual fulfillment has a significant role in the character of a person.
The lack of sexual fulfillment can lead to loss of person confidence and may even increase stress levels.
What remedies do exist for such a woman? Hormone therapy is increasingly being sought as a solution for the loss of libido in women aged above 45 years.
The targeted hormone for replacement or activation is estrogen.
This can be estrified to make it more sensitive or be given in higher doses using synthetic or plant based estrogen.
An exercise is another very popular, practical, cheaper and easy to perform remedy for female sexual dysfunction.
There are several effects of exercises that would lead to better sexual life.
One is the feel good effect as you get confident of your figure 8 and get others to admire you.
Secondly is the increased production of endorphins and other hormones.
The energy levels are also increased which allows for more active role on bed.
Kegel exercises also play a role in improving the vaginal contraction which improved period of achieving orgasm.
Eating well has always been a sure way of improving health status including the sexual health.
Eating vegetables such as broccoli, kales and cabbages is known to increase blood levels of estrogen.
Vitamin A has also been shown to improve sexual activity.
Reducing stress levels through talking about your challenges, participating in meditation and yoga, learning how to better manage your time and finances among others can also improve sexual desire and orgasm.