Who Needs a Taxpayer ID Number in Mississippi?
- A TIN identifies you as a unique entity for taxation purposes. Whether you are filing a federal return, state return or a payroll tax return, the nine-digit number enables the taxing authority to track your payments and ensure that your business is complying with tax laws. The state of Mississippi will use the number to open a Mississippi withholding tax account so that you can deposit taxes collected on behalf of your employees.
- If you are a sole proprietor without employees, you may decide to use your SSN as your TIN. There are certain situations where you must apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number, which include if your business has employees, a Keogh plan or if you file unemployment taxes or alcohol, tobacco and firearm taxes. You may want to consider obtaining a FEIN even if you don't technically have to have one; an EIN will enable you to keep your personal and business finances completely separate.
- Mississippi collects taxes online. For you to file state taxes, you must open an online account using either your SSN or your EIN. Once you've set up your account, payments will be made by automatic debit from your checking or savings account. There is no charge for filing Mississippi taxes online.
- The IRS provides you with multiple ways to get an FEIN. You can apply by mail or fax by downloading and submitting form SS-4, apply online with the IRS' EIN Assistant or by calling the IRS' Business & Specialty Tax line at 800-829-4933. The advantage to applying by phone or online is that you'll get an instant EIN; the other methods require you to wait until the IRS has processed your application, usually in two to four weeks.
How to Apply for a Mississippi Withholding Tax Account
How to Get an FEIN