Your Girlfriend Says She Needs Space? Give It to Her Or You Might Lose Her For Good!
Things were going great for awhile, however lately, she seems to get frustrated or angry with you for very small infractions, and she seems to be avoiding spending time with you.
This naturally makes you worried a breakup could be looming, but this likely isn't the case.
Chances are, your girlfriend needs space, and this is something that really isn't hard to give her.
If you love your girlfriend to the point where you cannot spend time without here, you have reached an unhealthy level of attachment to her that was bound cause problems sooner or later.
You cannot have this type of attachment to your girlfriend as she will feel smothered, and as it sounds like is happening, will begin to get frustrated with the lack of personal space and private time she gets.
It is wonderful to truly love your girlfriend, but you must also do things to make her happy.
We all need private time or a night out with our buddies every once in awhile and your girlfriend is no different.
Her desire to pursue her own interest or have a night out with the girls is no indication that she loves you, it is an indication that she does still have a life and interests outside the relationship, as you likely do too.
Let her have a night in.
Pick up a bottle of wine or her favorite ice cream, a number of movies, and leave her to while the night away in true girl fashion.
Go out with your buddies and allow her that space.
If she wants to plan a night out with her friends, let her, and plan something for yourself as well.
She will feel just as resentful if you are waiting at home for her, as she would have been with you monopolizing her time.
What would be even better would be to actively encourage her to go out for a much needed girls night out, or tell you what she'd need for the perfect night in alone.
This will show her that you truly care about her and her needs.
And when she sees you after her "me time", she will be quite happy with you and will have plenty of things to talk about.
When your girlfriend needs space, give it to her, and embrace it as an opportunity to do something nice for her.
Your allowing her to live her own life as well as one with you will ensure that all her needs are met and will take your relationship to a higher level.