How to Uninstall Corrupt Files in Vista
- 1). Open your browser and navigate to the Revo Uninstaller download page.
- 2). Click the "Download Revo Uninstaller free" button and choose the "Save" option if prompted to do so. Be careful not to click the "Download Revo Uninstaller Pro" button, as you will be charged for the download.
- 3). Close your browser and all other open applications when the download has completed.
- 4). Open the installation file you just downloaded.
- 5). Follow the on-screen instructions to install Revo Uninstaller on your computer.
- 6). Restart your computer if prompted to so.
- 7). Open the Revo Uninstaller program when the installation completes. If an icon was not placed on the desktop, you can open it from within the start menu, under Programs menu.
- 8). Wait while Revo Uninstaller scans your computer for the installed software. Depending on the number of applications you have installed, this can take several minutes.
- 9). Locate the corrupted file you want to uninstall.
- 10
Right-click the file and choose the "Uninstall" option. - 11
Wait while Revo Uninstaller removes the program from your computer. - 12
Restart your computer if prompted to do so.