Types of Trees in the City of San Jose
- San Jose is home to a wide variety of different tree types.san jose gazebo 2 image by dbvirago from Fotolia.com
A variety of different trees sprinkle the city of San Jose, California. However, no single species of tree makes up more than 9 percent of the overall trees that grow along the streets, adding even more diversity to the city. Other trees have been placed on a protected list, and those convicted of damaging or in any way removing them will be fined. The San Jose City Council has developed the City of San Jose Heritage Tree List, which protects certain trees on both private and public property from being destroyed. - One of many types of trees that grow in San Jose is the southern magnolia. It is classified as an evergreen tree, or a tree that has leaves year-round, and has the ability to grow anywhere between 60 and 90 feet. Its trunk has a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. Its leaves can grow between 5 and 8 inches long, and are a dark glossy shade of green on top, while the bottom of the leaf has a rusty velveteen color.
- The crape myrtle, which makes up more than 5 percent of the trees that grow along the San Jose streets, can grow a variety of different colored flowers. For example, the acoma semi-dwarf, which is a type of crape myrtle, grows white flowers that turn a shade of purple and red during the fall season. The Baton Rouge, another type of crape myrtle, grows a watermelon-red flower that can range from 2 to 3 inches in height. The Byer's white grows white flowers that range from 15 to 20 inches in height and turn orange during the fall season.
- The red cedar tree has been known to grow as high as 50 feet. Its trunk can grow 2 feet in diameter and its bark is reddish-brown in color. Another type of cedar tree in San Jose is the Japanese cedar, which is an evergreen tree and has been known to grow as high as 180 feet. The trunk of the Japanese cedar can exceed 12 feet in diameter and its bark is also reddish-brown in color and peels in long strips.
Southern Magnolia
Crape Myrtle
The Cedar