Become a Bible Expert in No Time at All With an Audio Bible Study Regimen
How many time have you promised yourself that you were going to study and learn the bible from end to end, only to peter out soon after you got started studying it.
Then there you were in some group situation having to listen while someone that did take the time to learn it completely dominated stage or the conversation.
Time to Step Forward in Life They quote phrases and chapters one after the other in rapid fire machine gun fashion, while your peers sit and listen with rapt attention.
Then afterwards, people stare at them in awe and make positive comments about them.
You know that all that it takes is to study the bible enough and you too can be the "leader of the pack" the next time that the "sheep" gather to listen.
Instant Replay The fact is, that you may be going at all the wrong way.
Why read the bible when you can have it read to you word for word with an audio bible.
Not only that, but any parts that you feel you have to rehash, simply replay them again and again until it is pounded into your thick head.
Its Time for Your Star to Shine Anytime is the right time to listen to an audio bible and with a compact CD player slung around your shoulder you can listen to it pretty much all day.
This means that in as little as one week you can be the "big man at the pulpit" and command the rapt attention of the flock.
Command Debates Heated debates will be a cinch when you can whip out bible quote after bible quote to slam sinners and doubters with.
Who would dare challenge you to a verbal altercation when they know that you will smite a painful blow with your words and wisdom alone? Now is the Time Maybe now is the time to pick up a copy of an audio bible and begin listening to it and start changing your life for the better.
Listen to it all the way through and then listen to again until you can recite it completely and then head out into the world and knock-em-dead.
Then there you were in some group situation having to listen while someone that did take the time to learn it completely dominated stage or the conversation.
Time to Step Forward in Life They quote phrases and chapters one after the other in rapid fire machine gun fashion, while your peers sit and listen with rapt attention.
Then afterwards, people stare at them in awe and make positive comments about them.
You know that all that it takes is to study the bible enough and you too can be the "leader of the pack" the next time that the "sheep" gather to listen.
Instant Replay The fact is, that you may be going at all the wrong way.
Why read the bible when you can have it read to you word for word with an audio bible.
Not only that, but any parts that you feel you have to rehash, simply replay them again and again until it is pounded into your thick head.
Its Time for Your Star to Shine Anytime is the right time to listen to an audio bible and with a compact CD player slung around your shoulder you can listen to it pretty much all day.
This means that in as little as one week you can be the "big man at the pulpit" and command the rapt attention of the flock.
Command Debates Heated debates will be a cinch when you can whip out bible quote after bible quote to slam sinners and doubters with.
Who would dare challenge you to a verbal altercation when they know that you will smite a painful blow with your words and wisdom alone? Now is the Time Maybe now is the time to pick up a copy of an audio bible and begin listening to it and start changing your life for the better.
Listen to it all the way through and then listen to again until you can recite it completely and then head out into the world and knock-em-dead.