The Best Vegetables to Grow in Washington State
- A variety of vegetables will grow in Washington state.Collander with fresh vegatables image by Paul Hill from
While a wide variety of vegetables are available to grow in the Pacific Northwest in general, some are considered best to grow in Washington state for qualities such as taste, nutritional content, cost to grow instead of purchase, ease of growing and amount of produce. Grow types range from root to herbs to flowering vegetables, according to - The giant Italian parsley is a flat-leafed variety herb that is often used in cooking and easy to grow. It grows abundantly and to 3 feet high. Broccoli harvests typically go from July through December; this vegetable is loaded with vitamins A and C. Leeks are often expensive to buy yet easy to grow. In a small space, leeks can grow abundantly. Leeks are considered to be midseason crops, which means they need to be planted by mid-August and mature after 60 days, according to
- Greens are considered to be lettuce, mustards and arugula and are intended for making salad. They contain vitamins A and C and are available in mixed seed packages. Chard, a member of the beet family, grows over summer and through mild winters. It is also high in vitamins A and C. Carrots grow in limited space, are loaded with vitamin A and the home-garden variety is bred for flavor. Carrots are considered a late maturing crop, so it is best to plant by mid-July for a fall harvest or later for a spring harvest. They mature after 90 days.
- Tomatoes require spraying a fungicide during wet weather and removing their plant parts at the end of the season; however, vine-ripened tomatoes provide intense flavor, vitamin C and other antioxidant properties. Basil requires warm soil, so it is best to plant in June. It also requires picking to avoid it going to seed and provides a flavorful taste in cooking. Snap beans' harvest is abundant and the bus and pole bean varieties are loaded with flavor. Snap peas are flavorful without having to shuck them. There are many pods grown from a short row of plants. Spinach and leaf lettuces are considered to be leaf crops. They are early maturing crops (they mature after 30 days) best planted by mid-September.
Parsley, Broccoli and Leeks
Greens, Chard and Carrots
Tomatoes, Basil, Snap Beans, Snap Peas, Spinach and Leaf Lettuce