Newsletters - Can They Make You Money?
An Ezine is a great way to share your products or services.
It's also a wonderful way to make money.
When you first start your Ezine, you may have a very small list of people to submit to.
Don't let this stop you from creating your Ezine and sending it out.
You may have people like your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, and a few friends on your list.
That's OK because you still have subscribers and you never know when they will forward it to others.
Even if you don't have any subscribers, you should still create it and send it out as an ad.
This is the only way you will get people to subscribe.
When you first start an Ezine you might be light on content.
You need to set a tone for each one you create.
Have a topic for each Ezine you create.
Once the topic is created, focus your content around that information.
You can use articles, poems, quotes, and businesses.
To get content, do Google searches on content that matches your topic.
No matter what your content is make sure you give credit where credit is due.
Include a link to the site you used it from and you must include the bio from the publisher if you use an article, poem, or quote.
If this is your first Ezine, you probably won't want to pay for a service and that is just fine.
Make sure when you get to a point where you have a good sized list of subscribers and you can afford a small fee, you should consider using a software program like ConstantContact or Aweber.
These make it easier to keep track of your subscribers and you can do so much more them than you can do with regular email.
You don't want to be short on content with your Ezine.
An Ezine full of content is a great way to keep your current subscribers and get new subscribers.
When you are looking for content you could always use your own businesses and those that belong to your readers.
You can add links or a text ad for your business.
If any of your current subscribers have businesses, you can include their links or text ads.
When you finish your Ezine, you can use it as an ad to attract others to join your list.
You can also tell people what your content will be in future issues and tell them how to join so they don't miss an issue.
When you get a good sized list going, you can start charging for ads and articles.
Start your fees out small and increase your prices as your list grows.
The more people that are on your list, the more people will be willing to pay for text ads, links, or articles.
Now that you have a better understand of how an Ezine can help you make money, why not get started today.
Brainstorm on topics and content and before you know it you will have an Ezine created.