Danger: The Law of Attraction Can Destroy Your Life

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That's right! The Law of Attraction can lead you to a path of ruin. Just like a bad country song it can cause you to lose your job, your woman, your pickup will break down, your dog will run away. It can be responsible for stacks of bills piling up at your door and it could even be responsible for the entire economic crisis in the world right now!

Do I have your attention? I promise you that all that I have written so far is absolutely true. You see, the Law of Attraction doesn't care if it attracts good things to you or bad things to do. Have you ever noticed that when things start to go wrong in your life that very quickly it can seem like everything goes wrong and your life becomes a complete train wreck?

Inversely, have you ever had one of those days when every light on your way to work is green, your boss catches you doing something right for once and gives you a pat on the back and everything just seems to fall your way? Yes, this is the Law of Attraction also.

So now we know that the Law of Attraction doesn't care if good things happen to you or bad things happen in your life. It simply brings to you what you expect and what you focus upon. I am not simply talking about what you try to force your mind to think about as we go about our lives. I am talking about what we feel in our heart. What we know about ourselves and what we believe. We can walk around all day trying to be positive and live in constant expectation of winning the lottery or getting a big promotion, but if we don't hold that belief for ourselves in our heart the chances is slim to none that these things will manifest themselves in our lives.

In each and every once of us is a part deep down inside that is created through years and years of what life has taught us. We can say all we want that we are rich or that riches are on their way to us and into our lives but if all we have ever known is poverty we are going to have a hard time believing this. We have no reference to this. A state of being "rich" is something completely unknown to us. We can dream and mediate upon such things...what they look like for us and what it will be like for us to be wealthy but I have found it more effective to make my mediations and my dreams as real as possible.

For instance, I always wanted a particular type of sports car. I would see them on the highway going zipping by me...I even knew people that drove this particular kind of car. I was dismally poor at the time though and was working three jobs just to make ends meet. One of my jobs was as an armed security guard on the 11 to 7 am shift. I drove around the city and checked out construction sites and warehouses and trucking depots...and a car dealership. One night I had a little time on my hands and that was when I found it. In the dealer's lot was the car of my dreams. I tried the door and found that it was open! I sat in that car for about a half hour. I smelled the leather, rolled down the window and stuck my arm out and pretended what it would be like to make that car my own. I shifted the gears and pumped the clutch and I could almost hear the spinning tires and the smell of burnt rubber.

Less than a year later I was driving off the lot with almost the exact same car that I had sat in that night. The deal that was made to me was too good to turn down...the payments were lower than what I could easily afford and I was given seven times the price that I paid for my piece of junk little subcompact for a trade in!

From then on I have been a believer in the Law of Attraction. This is simply one story in my life of how The Law of Attraction has played out in a very positive way for me.

To learn more about The Law of Attraction and other spiritual matters please visit us at Consumer Products Overview and see if you can make this ancient law of nature work for you.

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