How to Talk to a Girl You Just Met
Most men can't hold a conversation.
I noticed that with a lot of guys, a lot of which are close friends of mine.
They can introduce themselves and put their foot in but they completely freeze after that.
I have friends who do pick up a lot of women but this is mostly because they're drunk when they do it so what the say during conversation has no relevance.
Think about this for a second: If you learn how to hold a conversation when you're sober, just think how amazing you would be when you're drunk! The strategy to keeping a woman interested in a conversation is to make it an actual back and forth conversation and not an interrogation.
Let me explain what I mean.
If you find yourself asking question after question when talking to a woman, you are not approaching the situation correctly.
Here is an example of what should NOT take place: You: Hey, how was your day? GirlYouJustMet: well, could be better...
You: Oh.
What's your name? GirlYouJustMet: Jennifer, what's yours? You: Chris.
Where are you from? GirlYouJustMet: Miami.
I'm here for vacation You: Would you like a drink? This is pretty boring and I bet even you, as a reader, were losing interest.
If I approach a woman like that, she will be yawning in no time.
It should not be an interrogation where you are just asking question after question.
You have to use hook words when you are conversing with a women.
Hook words are words that you can hook onto when responding to to a woman.
Here is an example of what should take place.
You: Hey! How was your day? GirlYouJustMet: Eh, could be better (better is a keyword, use that to make your reply) You: What would make your day better? GirlYouJustMet: A drink! (Obviously, 'drink' is the cue for you) You: C'mon, I'll buy you one.
BTW, the name's Chris.
GirlYouJustMet: I'm Jennifer.
(Use her name to reply, it's flattering and and helps build trust) You: Alright Jennifer, you can tell me how bad your day was over that drink! This is much better because you're keeping the conversation going in respond to what she says.
Just pay attention and identify hook, or 'bait' words, as described above.
Practice on a friend if you're not confident enough to approach a woman you don't know yet.
I noticed that with a lot of guys, a lot of which are close friends of mine.
They can introduce themselves and put their foot in but they completely freeze after that.
I have friends who do pick up a lot of women but this is mostly because they're drunk when they do it so what the say during conversation has no relevance.
Think about this for a second: If you learn how to hold a conversation when you're sober, just think how amazing you would be when you're drunk! The strategy to keeping a woman interested in a conversation is to make it an actual back and forth conversation and not an interrogation.
Let me explain what I mean.
If you find yourself asking question after question when talking to a woman, you are not approaching the situation correctly.
Here is an example of what should NOT take place: You: Hey, how was your day? GirlYouJustMet: well, could be better...
You: Oh.
What's your name? GirlYouJustMet: Jennifer, what's yours? You: Chris.
Where are you from? GirlYouJustMet: Miami.
I'm here for vacation You: Would you like a drink? This is pretty boring and I bet even you, as a reader, were losing interest.
If I approach a woman like that, she will be yawning in no time.
It should not be an interrogation where you are just asking question after question.
You have to use hook words when you are conversing with a women.
Hook words are words that you can hook onto when responding to to a woman.
Here is an example of what should take place.
You: Hey! How was your day? GirlYouJustMet: Eh, could be better (better is a keyword, use that to make your reply) You: What would make your day better? GirlYouJustMet: A drink! (Obviously, 'drink' is the cue for you) You: C'mon, I'll buy you one.
BTW, the name's Chris.
GirlYouJustMet: I'm Jennifer.
(Use her name to reply, it's flattering and and helps build trust) You: Alright Jennifer, you can tell me how bad your day was over that drink! This is much better because you're keeping the conversation going in respond to what she says.
Just pay attention and identify hook, or 'bait' words, as described above.
Practice on a friend if you're not confident enough to approach a woman you don't know yet.