Valentine"s Day Without Your Love? Five Ways to Feel Good on February 14th Even if Your Loved On
By Richard Ballo
Valentine's Day is the most two-some holiday of the entire year. But what if you have no Valentine, no significant other? What if your beloved Valentine has died and yet you are besieged with cupids, hearts and images of love, love, love as Valentine's Day approaches. Rich Ballo, ( knows this heartbreak first hand and has developed tips for those in the same boat he is.
"When my beloved wife Lisa died of cancer at age 38, every day was painful. Christmas, Thanksgiving, her birthday, and our anniversary were, of course, heartbreaking. But the worst was Valentine's Day - probably because it feels like the entire world is in love and has their loved one by their side." Ballo admits. "Yet I didn't and still don't. So in order to ease my emotional pain, I found ways to feel better on Valentine's Day."
Ballo, author of the award-winning book, Life Without Lisa ( has put together five tips for getting through Valentine's Day without a valentine. These tips have gelled from his personal research and experience. "I hope someone else can ease the emotional pain of being alone on Valentine's Day by trying a few of my tips," Ballo says.
#1 alone without your valentine tip: Make someone else's day enjoyable. Volunteer at a nursing home or hospice and hand out valentines, bring cookies to share and make your entire focus about helping someone else feel better.
#2 alone without your valentine tip: Call up a friend or acquaintance who is also missing their true love and plan to do something fun together on Valentine's Day. Hint: ignore the romantic restaurant scene - go rock climbing instead!
#3 alone without your valentine tip: Bring flowers and candy to an elderly person in your neighborhood. Stay for an extended chat and give the gift of listening to your neighbor's stories about her or his life - even if you've heard them many times. Remember your parents and your adult children on Valentine's Day. Tell them how much you love them and how grateful you are to have them in your life.
#4 alone without your valentine tip: Throw a Valentine's Day party for little children - your own, your grandchildren, friends' and neighbors' children. Decorate a big box with red and white crepe paper, cut a slot in the cardboard and have the children "mail" their valentines. You could have them make their own valentines at the party and then "mail them" in the decorated box. You can distribute the valentines after you serve cookies and ice cream.
#5 alone without your valentine tip: Treat yourself with love and caring. Send yourself flowers. Watch your favorite movie. Treat yourself to a special bottle of wine and exquisite cheese. Be your own valentine. This "treat yourself" tip is perhaps the most important tip of all, according to Ballo. (
Valentine's Day is the most two-some holiday of the entire year. But what if you have no Valentine, no significant other? What if your beloved Valentine has died and yet you are besieged with cupids, hearts and images of love, love, love as Valentine's Day approaches. Rich Ballo, ( knows this heartbreak first hand and has developed tips for those in the same boat he is.
"When my beloved wife Lisa died of cancer at age 38, every day was painful. Christmas, Thanksgiving, her birthday, and our anniversary were, of course, heartbreaking. But the worst was Valentine's Day - probably because it feels like the entire world is in love and has their loved one by their side." Ballo admits. "Yet I didn't and still don't. So in order to ease my emotional pain, I found ways to feel better on Valentine's Day."
Ballo, author of the award-winning book, Life Without Lisa ( has put together five tips for getting through Valentine's Day without a valentine. These tips have gelled from his personal research and experience. "I hope someone else can ease the emotional pain of being alone on Valentine's Day by trying a few of my tips," Ballo says.
#1 alone without your valentine tip: Make someone else's day enjoyable. Volunteer at a nursing home or hospice and hand out valentines, bring cookies to share and make your entire focus about helping someone else feel better.
#2 alone without your valentine tip: Call up a friend or acquaintance who is also missing their true love and plan to do something fun together on Valentine's Day. Hint: ignore the romantic restaurant scene - go rock climbing instead!
#3 alone without your valentine tip: Bring flowers and candy to an elderly person in your neighborhood. Stay for an extended chat and give the gift of listening to your neighbor's stories about her or his life - even if you've heard them many times. Remember your parents and your adult children on Valentine's Day. Tell them how much you love them and how grateful you are to have them in your life.
#4 alone without your valentine tip: Throw a Valentine's Day party for little children - your own, your grandchildren, friends' and neighbors' children. Decorate a big box with red and white crepe paper, cut a slot in the cardboard and have the children "mail" their valentines. You could have them make their own valentines at the party and then "mail them" in the decorated box. You can distribute the valentines after you serve cookies and ice cream.
#5 alone without your valentine tip: Treat yourself with love and caring. Send yourself flowers. Watch your favorite movie. Treat yourself to a special bottle of wine and exquisite cheese. Be your own valentine. This "treat yourself" tip is perhaps the most important tip of all, according to Ballo. (