Definition: (inf adj) - very, really, damn, (Br Eng) - bloody
C'est vachement difficile ! - It's damn hard!
On s'est vachement trompé - We made one hell of a mistake
Related: une vache - cow; vache (inf adj) - mean, rotten; une vacherie - dirty trick, nasty remark, meanness
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [vahsh ma(n)]
C'est vachement difficile ! - It's damn hard!
On s'est vachement trompé - We made one hell of a mistake
Related: une vache - cow; vache (inf adj) - mean, rotten; une vacherie - dirty trick, nasty remark, meanness
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [vahsh ma(n)]