Un coup d"œil
Expression: Un coup d'œil
Pronunciation: [koo deuy]
Meaning: glance, glimpse, quick look
Literal translation: blow/stroke of the eye
Register: Normal
Notes: The French expression un coup d'œil indicates a quick glance, and can be used with many different verbs. The most common is jeter (to throw):
jeter un coup d'œil à / dans / sur
to glance at / in / on
jeter un coup d'œil autour de soi
to glance around (oneself)
jeter un coup d'œil pour voir si...
to take a look to see if...
The verb lancer (to throw, hurl, fling) can be used interchangeably with jeter in the above expressions.
There are some different types of coups d'œil:
un (petit) coup d'œil discret - quick glance, discreet look
un coup d'œil en dessous - shifty look
un coup d'œil furieux - furious glance
un coup d'œil furtif - quick glance, furtive look
un coup d'œil indifférent - perfunctory glance
un coup d'œil rétrospectif - retrospect, look back
Un coup d'œil can also be used with a few other verbs, for various meaning changes:
apprécier d'un coup d'œil - to sum up, assess
avoir le coup d'œil pour - to have an eye for, have a gift for, be good at spotting
filer un coup d'œil (informal) - to take a look
jauger d'un coup d'œil - to size up at a glance
valoir le coup d'œil - to be worth seeing
More expressions:
au premier coup d'œil - at first glance
un beau coup d'œil - nice view
d'un coup d'œil - at a glance
jeter un œil (informal) - to have a look, check out