How to Give a Gym Rat the Perfect Christmas Gift
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Carefully pair up your loved one with a trainer the gym manager suggests.
Call your loved one's gym and ask to speak to the owner/manager. Explain what you are trying to do and ask if they know the person you are talking about. This is important, since they will most likely have a keen insight as to which trainer would be the best fit. - 2). Select the number of sessions you would like to give and can afford. Ask for member discounts, and be sure to inquire about any expiration dates that may apply.
- 3). Tell the manager to keep it a secret! It's a Christmas/Holiday gift--after all.
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Make the package as special as the person you are giving it to!
Wrap your gift in simple paper with a sweet and personal note inside along the lines of: "I know how much joy this brings to your life and I hope this little gift will help you grow in your enjoyment and goals!"