How to Lose 5 Pounds Meal Plan
- 1). Try swapping unhealthy foods for healthier substitutes. Replace high-calorie sodas for low-calorie drinks or water. It's best to switch to water, but if you replace a daily two-Coke habit with diet sodas, you can lose one pound a week. Replace a bag of chips with a small apple and you can drop 400 calories. Ordering a 16oz. skim latte instead of one containing whole milk can cut out 100 calories.
- 2). Reduce your carbohydrate intake. Replace carbohydrates such as cakes, breads, and pasta with raw foods like fruits and vegetables, and you'll begin to see a noticeable drop in weight.
- 3). Begin exercising regularly. Simply by walking 30 minutes a day, you can start to burn more calories and drop your weight. More rigorous exercise, such as running, can lead to quicker weight loss.
- 4). Boost your fiber. By eating fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber, you'll fill up faster, and clean out your body quicker than with other foods.
Ways to lose five pounds.