How to Fold an Ameristep Doghouse
- 1). Disconnect all fiber poles, tie-downs and stakes from your Ameristep Doghouse Blind.
- 2). Turn and lay the blind onto its side.
- 3). Push the sides down toward the center of the blind so that it lies flat.
- 4). Place one hand on each end that is closest to you and begin to roll the blind up. You will be rolling away from your body. The steel bands inside of the blind will allow it to roll up to form a U-shape. The steel bands inside of the blind will overlap as you roll the blind up. Guide the steel bands to overlap, by pushing the corners in, if they do not overlap on their own.
- 5). Gather the top section of the rolled blind and push it under the bottom section of the blind.
- 6). Tuck the top fold into the bottom fold, this will hold the blind in place so that it does not open back up.
- 7). Slide the blind back into the storage bag.