Word of the Day: Alqilar
La palabra del día:
Pronunciación aproximada:
ahl-kee-LAHR (Note that the L of Spanish is pronounced like the first "l" in "little," not the second one. The Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.) Listen
to rent, to hire (a car)
Fuimos a uno de los muchos hermosos lagos de Minnesota y alquilamos una pequeña lancha.
We went to one of the many beautiful lakes of Minnesota and rented a tiny boat.
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Pronunciación aproximada:
ahl-kee-LAHR (Note that the L of Spanish is pronounced like the first "l" in "little," not the second one. The Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.) Listen
to rent, to hire (a car)
Fuimos a uno de los muchos hermosos lagos de Minnesota y alquilamos una pequeña lancha.
We went to one of the many beautiful lakes of Minnesota and rented a tiny boat.
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