The Power Of Focus In Internet Marketing - Don"t Fizzle Out Like A Firework When You Can Soar Like A
This isn't just motivational mumbo jumbo, it's important and you really need to read this if you find yourself starting one project, not quite finishing it or failing to get the results you hoped for before moving onto yet another one. Stop the madness - there is magic and power in deciding you are going to do something and seeing it through to its conclusion. It does not matter if you succeed or fail in internet marketing with one project, but it does matter that you give it your best shot once you decide you are going to do it.
It's easy to start off doing something whilst the adrenaline is pumping, filled with good intentions, but the real test is to keep going when the initial enthusiasm is starting to wane. Let me tell you right now that several unfinished projects are at worst going to make you no money and at best going to make you a very small fraction of what you could otherwise have achieved if you had stuck to the original gameplan.
Your biggest enemy in the quest for focus is distraction. By distraction I'm talking about anything that can make you deviate from a project you are working on. At the lowest level this begins with the 'time suckers' such as religiously checking your email and wasting precious time on instant messenger or skype. The worst kind of distraction is believing that something else is 'the answer' you have been looking for, so you drop what you are doing, start that and sure enough for whatever reason you get bored or you quit on that one too.
Before you know it you've done a lot of not-a-lot. This is tragic because every hour you have to spare should be used productively to build your internet marketing business. If you do this not only will you see hugely better results, but you will have the motivation to keep going when you know that nothing is going to stop you from successfully completing your next project. Good old fashioned work will get you where you want to go, whereas buying an ebook and half completing a project won't.
It's easy to start off doing something whilst the adrenaline is pumping, filled with good intentions, but the real test is to keep going when the initial enthusiasm is starting to wane. Let me tell you right now that several unfinished projects are at worst going to make you no money and at best going to make you a very small fraction of what you could otherwise have achieved if you had stuck to the original gameplan.
Your biggest enemy in the quest for focus is distraction. By distraction I'm talking about anything that can make you deviate from a project you are working on. At the lowest level this begins with the 'time suckers' such as religiously checking your email and wasting precious time on instant messenger or skype. The worst kind of distraction is believing that something else is 'the answer' you have been looking for, so you drop what you are doing, start that and sure enough for whatever reason you get bored or you quit on that one too.
Before you know it you've done a lot of not-a-lot. This is tragic because every hour you have to spare should be used productively to build your internet marketing business. If you do this not only will you see hugely better results, but you will have the motivation to keep going when you know that nothing is going to stop you from successfully completing your next project. Good old fashioned work will get you where you want to go, whereas buying an ebook and half completing a project won't.