Green Venetian Plaster - Understanding Applied Wall Finishes
Going Green - We all are interested in the health of our homes.
One main concern is the finish used on our walls.
What we breathe in a closed environment is critical.
The effects on our health can be devastating.
Inside That Can of Paint- Binders create adhesion.
It can include acrylics, polyurethanes, polyesters, melamine resins, epoxy, or oil.
These are considered Volatile Organic Compounds.
As a green consumer, we are looking for a product with the V.
's omitted.
Faux Finishes- Most faux finishes utilize these V.
's as a binder.
It has been in the industry for many years creating an inexpensive replication of the old world plasters finishes.
Modern Plasters- The popularity of plaster and clay finishes have grown due to the green movement and modern chemical analyses of old plaster samples dating back to 1100 A.
They now can be applied to gypsum board or dry wall.
The term "Venetian Plaster", was coined in the 80's as an industry term for plaster finishes.
We can now replicate these finishes through modern technology, while still maintaining a hand rubbed application.
These finishes can be slick or rough, but smooth to the touch.
Show more interest and depth than any faux finish product.
Plaster products can be patched and blended successfully Misinformation There is a lot of misinformation regarding environmentally healthy products.
It is important to check the LEEDS certification on the product being used.
The company producing the product will have Green certification.
One main concern is the finish used on our walls.
What we breathe in a closed environment is critical.
The effects on our health can be devastating.
Inside That Can of Paint- Binders create adhesion.
It can include acrylics, polyurethanes, polyesters, melamine resins, epoxy, or oil.
These are considered Volatile Organic Compounds.
As a green consumer, we are looking for a product with the V.
's omitted.
Faux Finishes- Most faux finishes utilize these V.
's as a binder.
It has been in the industry for many years creating an inexpensive replication of the old world plasters finishes.
Modern Plasters- The popularity of plaster and clay finishes have grown due to the green movement and modern chemical analyses of old plaster samples dating back to 1100 A.
They now can be applied to gypsum board or dry wall.
The term "Venetian Plaster", was coined in the 80's as an industry term for plaster finishes.
We can now replicate these finishes through modern technology, while still maintaining a hand rubbed application.
These finishes can be slick or rough, but smooth to the touch.
Show more interest and depth than any faux finish product.
Plaster products can be patched and blended successfully Misinformation There is a lot of misinformation regarding environmentally healthy products.
It is important to check the LEEDS certification on the product being used.
The company producing the product will have Green certification.