What Do Wise Men Do?Make Sure You Are One!
In Matthew's Gospel, the first book of the New Testament, we read of that true account of how WISE MEN made their way to where they could find Jesus, the King of the Jews.
Through this Word God has something special to say to us.
These were learned men - astronomers - looking for some sort of order - looking for some sort of pattern.
There are many today looking for order in their lives - trying to make something out of all the chaos and confusion in life - looking for a pattern worthy of following, and worth being committed to - Jesus Christ is worthy of following.
Many are looking for light in all their darkness - and peace from various fears.
As they looked - and looked up - GOD SPOKE TO THEM.
God revealed to these wise men that HE was doing something new in the world.
As they looked up they saw a light - it was a new light - it was a light they had never seen before.
When these wise men saw this supernatural light, they knew this was GOD speaking to them.
How do you know God is speaking to you?He always leads you to Jesus - or He leads you closer to Jesus.
We are in the right place, and I pray looking in the right direction.
When these wise men realised that this was GOD speaking to them they followed the light they had received.
When GOD gives light to men it always leads to Jesus.
But as yet they did not know that.
These wise men did not just sit at home and discuss what was happening - they got up and got involved.
When you see GOD doing something - when you hear GOD speaking - get involved.
They knew their Bible - they were probably Jews left over in Babylon from the Exile.
They knew the prophets - and they knew something significant and specific was going to happen one day.
This Word is called the LOGOS - the Word of God - and it is authentic and authoritative and we need never be ashamed nor embarrassed for believing it.
The LOGOS is God's Holy Unchanging True Perfect Word.
But there is also what is called a RHEMA - an immediate word - and immediate utterance - God says something for that day - for that time - for that situation - and that is what is happening here.
See the difference.
The RHEMA never contradicts the LOGOS.
The fresh word which God speaks is always in line with the written Word.
These wise men travelled for perhaps over a year - covering over 1,000 miles.
It cost them - it cost them time - it cost them energy.
It must have upset their plans and interrupted their routine.
It costs you to follow Jesus - but the cost of not following Jesus Christ is immeasurably greater.
If these wise men had been too lazy to get up and follow that LIGHT - they would have missed what GOD was doing.
The journey to Jesus Christ can be costly - demanding - arduous - time consuming.
But the invitation is presented to you - Come and Follow.
Come and drink the living water that refreshes and revives and renews and restores.
It is not enough just to look - even though you might be looking in the right place - you have to drink! These wise men were not without their problems and questions.
They make for the palace - that was logical - rational - but they were wrong.
But God does not give up on us should we make a mistake.
If He did - none of us would be here today.
Where can we find the new born King? Do you know where He is? How can we meet Him? They were prepared to persist.
They were not men who would give up easily.
They keep going until they meet Jesus.
They knew God was leading them, and they sensed it was going to be worth all the effort.
There are times when intellect has to give way to revelation.
Most of the time we use our brains and commonsense and apply our minds to the situations - but now and again, there appears something more - something new - something extra - exciting! Notice it is at that very point that GOD introduces them to the Scriptures.
The religious leadership in Jerusalem give an answer to their question from the written Word of God!And these wise men were wise enough to act upon it.
The sad truth here is that the Scriptures were opened up by men who did not know their meaning and significance.
They did not take one step towards Bethlehem.
They made no effort to seek Jesus.
They had the LOGOS - but they missed the RHEMA!It is not enough to quote the Bible - a tape recorder can do that! When GOD is revealing things to you - and speaking to you - and leading you - you do not give up.
You cannot give up! As they continued to follow the light - they were able to rejoice with great joy - as they overcame every problem that confronted them.
As soon as they discovered Jesus, everything began to fall into place - and the reason for the 1,000-mile journey became clear.
When you follow the light which God has given you - you receive further light - and greater joy.
Who would want to miss out on all of this? To go through life and miss Jesus is the greatest tragedy of all.
These wise men - followed the light - they pursued the supernatural moving of God.
They got involved at some personal cost - and they continued searching until they found the Christ-child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshipped.
WISE MEN WORSHIP! Wise men seek Jesus Christ, and wise men worship.
They bow down and adore Him.
Worship is being in the presence of the Living Lord Jesus, and just pouring out your heart in praise before Him.
Worship is more than singing hymns and songs and carols.
Worship is giving to Jesus Christ all that He deserves - and that means all that we have.
They presented to HIM meaningful and significant gifts - gold and frankincense and myrrh - Gold because He is King - Frankincense because He is a Priest - and Myrrh because He is going to die.
God wants us to be wise men - who have met with Jesus Christ - and who are a worshipping people - and sometimes that might mean leaving the chief priests and teachers back in Jerusalem - and going onto Bethlehem.
Nothing has changed.
From verse 12 we learn too that wise men protect Jesus.
Wise men protect what God is doing.
Wise men protect the work of God, and will allow nothing to undermine or destroy the work of God.
Notice this - when you follow the first RHEMA - God intervenes again with another RHEMA - this time in a dream - warning them not to go back to Herod - and wise men always obey God - even at the risk of disobeying the secular ruler.
Wise men worship - protect the work of God - and men who are truly wise will always obey the living God.
Sandy Shaw
Through this Word God has something special to say to us.
These were learned men - astronomers - looking for some sort of order - looking for some sort of pattern.
There are many today looking for order in their lives - trying to make something out of all the chaos and confusion in life - looking for a pattern worthy of following, and worth being committed to - Jesus Christ is worthy of following.
Many are looking for light in all their darkness - and peace from various fears.
As they looked - and looked up - GOD SPOKE TO THEM.
God revealed to these wise men that HE was doing something new in the world.
As they looked up they saw a light - it was a new light - it was a light they had never seen before.
When these wise men saw this supernatural light, they knew this was GOD speaking to them.
How do you know God is speaking to you?He always leads you to Jesus - or He leads you closer to Jesus.
We are in the right place, and I pray looking in the right direction.
When these wise men realised that this was GOD speaking to them they followed the light they had received.
When GOD gives light to men it always leads to Jesus.
But as yet they did not know that.
These wise men did not just sit at home and discuss what was happening - they got up and got involved.
When you see GOD doing something - when you hear GOD speaking - get involved.
They knew their Bible - they were probably Jews left over in Babylon from the Exile.
They knew the prophets - and they knew something significant and specific was going to happen one day.
This Word is called the LOGOS - the Word of God - and it is authentic and authoritative and we need never be ashamed nor embarrassed for believing it.
The LOGOS is God's Holy Unchanging True Perfect Word.
But there is also what is called a RHEMA - an immediate word - and immediate utterance - God says something for that day - for that time - for that situation - and that is what is happening here.
See the difference.
The RHEMA never contradicts the LOGOS.
The fresh word which God speaks is always in line with the written Word.
These wise men travelled for perhaps over a year - covering over 1,000 miles.
It cost them - it cost them time - it cost them energy.
It must have upset their plans and interrupted their routine.
It costs you to follow Jesus - but the cost of not following Jesus Christ is immeasurably greater.
If these wise men had been too lazy to get up and follow that LIGHT - they would have missed what GOD was doing.
The journey to Jesus Christ can be costly - demanding - arduous - time consuming.
But the invitation is presented to you - Come and Follow.
Come and drink the living water that refreshes and revives and renews and restores.
It is not enough just to look - even though you might be looking in the right place - you have to drink! These wise men were not without their problems and questions.
They make for the palace - that was logical - rational - but they were wrong.
But God does not give up on us should we make a mistake.
If He did - none of us would be here today.
Where can we find the new born King? Do you know where He is? How can we meet Him? They were prepared to persist.
They were not men who would give up easily.
They keep going until they meet Jesus.
They knew God was leading them, and they sensed it was going to be worth all the effort.
There are times when intellect has to give way to revelation.
Most of the time we use our brains and commonsense and apply our minds to the situations - but now and again, there appears something more - something new - something extra - exciting! Notice it is at that very point that GOD introduces them to the Scriptures.
The religious leadership in Jerusalem give an answer to their question from the written Word of God!And these wise men were wise enough to act upon it.
The sad truth here is that the Scriptures were opened up by men who did not know their meaning and significance.
They did not take one step towards Bethlehem.
They made no effort to seek Jesus.
They had the LOGOS - but they missed the RHEMA!It is not enough to quote the Bible - a tape recorder can do that! When GOD is revealing things to you - and speaking to you - and leading you - you do not give up.
You cannot give up! As they continued to follow the light - they were able to rejoice with great joy - as they overcame every problem that confronted them.
As soon as they discovered Jesus, everything began to fall into place - and the reason for the 1,000-mile journey became clear.
When you follow the light which God has given you - you receive further light - and greater joy.
Who would want to miss out on all of this? To go through life and miss Jesus is the greatest tragedy of all.
These wise men - followed the light - they pursued the supernatural moving of God.
They got involved at some personal cost - and they continued searching until they found the Christ-child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshipped.
WISE MEN WORSHIP! Wise men seek Jesus Christ, and wise men worship.
They bow down and adore Him.
Worship is being in the presence of the Living Lord Jesus, and just pouring out your heart in praise before Him.
Worship is more than singing hymns and songs and carols.
Worship is giving to Jesus Christ all that He deserves - and that means all that we have.
They presented to HIM meaningful and significant gifts - gold and frankincense and myrrh - Gold because He is King - Frankincense because He is a Priest - and Myrrh because He is going to die.
God wants us to be wise men - who have met with Jesus Christ - and who are a worshipping people - and sometimes that might mean leaving the chief priests and teachers back in Jerusalem - and going onto Bethlehem.
Nothing has changed.
From verse 12 we learn too that wise men protect Jesus.
Wise men protect what God is doing.
Wise men protect the work of God, and will allow nothing to undermine or destroy the work of God.
Notice this - when you follow the first RHEMA - God intervenes again with another RHEMA - this time in a dream - warning them not to go back to Herod - and wise men always obey God - even at the risk of disobeying the secular ruler.
Wise men worship - protect the work of God - and men who are truly wise will always obey the living God.
Sandy Shaw