How to Propagate a Red Apple Ice Plant from Stem Cuttings
- 1). Cut a 4-inch stem when the plant is actively growing. Remove the lower leaves and retain one or two at the tip.
- 2). Place the stem on a sheet of paper towel. Put the towel on a counter away from direct sunlight. Leave the Red Apple cutting in that spot to dry for three or four days.
- 3). Buy potting soil formulated for cacti or mix three parts potting mix, one part sand and one part perlite for the rooting medium.
- 4). Fill a flat with the potting mix. Irrigate the soil until water flows out of the drainage holes and the surface becomes evenly moist.
- 5). Make a hole in the potting mix with your pinky finger or a pencil. Insert the cut end of the stem into the soil. Firm it around the base of the cutting to keep the stem in place.
- 6). Move the flat to indirect sunlight. Irrigate the potting mix only when the soil is mostly dry to prevent rot.
- 7). Pull the sand away from the base of the cutting once a week to look for roots. Transplant the cutting to a 4-inch planter when it develops two or three ½-inch-long roots.