Improve Your Whitewater Kayaking Skills
Most beginning kayakers are just trying to survive when paddling their first rivers. The last thing on their mind is to do anything but paddle through the current and waves and to get to the other side. However, the best way to improve your whitewater kayaking is to actually practice maneuvers in whitewater. It is the most beneficial way to speed up the learning curve toward getting comfortable in whitewater.
Here are tips on some intermediate kayaking maneuvers to practice while whitewater kayaking to help improve your skills.
1.) Practice Basic Maneuvering In Current
Before trying anything too risky, you need to be able maneuver your kayak in current, waves and rapids. This should be practiced just like any other technique or skill. Doing so will not only enable you to get where you need to go without flipping but it will improve your level of comfort in your kayak on whitewater.
2.) Practice Dealing with Eddys
Once you are comfortable with maneuvering your kayak in current, its time to practice dealing with eddys. Be sure you are paddling with people who are more experienced than you are. Tell them what your plan is and to be aware to help spot you in case and when you flip.
Practice catching eddys both in the middle and at the edges of the river. Every time you catch an eddy it is an opportunity to practice safely paddling out of the same eddy. Peel outs and stern squirts when exiting eddys are great to ways to improve those skills while developing your eddy kayaking proficiency.
First practice in slow moving current only. Paddle toward the eddy and concentrate on the timing. Then practice in faster current. Eventually work your way up to practicing where waves are present and while actually in waves. The goal is to work your way up to being able to dealing with eddys in actual rapids.
Learning how to get into and out of eddys can save your life by helping you to stop in a rapid to help you scout and avoid a life threatening situation. Due to the turbulent nature of eddy lines, being able to deal with eddys will teach you balance and bracing skills that will translate to paddling elsewhere on the river.
3.) Rolling Your Kayak in Current and Waves
Every whitewater kayaker needs to be able to roll their kayak eventually. The eskimo roll is first learned in flat and calm conditions. While this prepares whitewater kayakers to be able to intentionally roll to cool off in between rapids, it doesn't really represent them actually rolling up in rapids.
So once you’re able to roll a kayak, similar to the above section, practice rolls in current, then in increasing current, and then if you are so bold go ahead and try in an actual wave train as long as there are no dangers up ahead. Of course, let your paddling buddies know what you are doing and keep them close by. Come up with a plan as to how many rolls you will attempt and to stay close by. Two is a good number to try. The first roll might fail but will often position your kayak properly to attempt your second roll. If you miss both, then attempt an assisted roll.
As a disclaimer, I wouldn't practice rolls in rough water if I first wasn't able to perform basic paddling maneuvers in the same water. The reason being, that once you roll up you'll be disoriented, have water in your eyes, and probably being facing in any direction except for down stream. Therefore, I will also reiterate to only practice this with competent help, preferably with multiple experienced paddlers with you. Lastly, only practice rolls in whitewater where you know what is coming up on the river and that you will be safe if you must swim out of your kayak.
4). Practice Surfing in Waves to Improve Your Skills
When you can comfortably maneuver in whitewater and have a few battle rolls under you belt, its time to practice surfing. Practice catching waves while heading downstream. Also practice surfing waves while coming out of eddys. This will not only improve your surfing it will also simply improve your paddling by making you aware of currents, balance, bracing, and getting tossed about.