Children's Activities About God's Love
- Read about the creation of the earth in the first chapter of Genesis. Teach the children that God made the world for us because he loves us and wants us to be happy. Take the children for a walk. Point out the beautiful things that God made, such as mountains, flowers, trees, insects, birds and other animals. Go inside and ask, "What was your favorite part of our walk today?" Ask them to name other things that God has given to them such as a family, food to eat, a home and a healthy body.
- Make several bookmarks out of cardstock and give one to each child. Have the children write the first half of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son," onto their bookmarks. Provide stickers, glitter, colored yarn and other art supplies to decorate the bookmarks and laminate them. Remind the children that God sent his only begotten son to die for us because he loves us and wants us to return to Him.
- Teach the children a variety of songs about God's love. Choose from familiar hymns or select simple songs that can be sung to popular children's melodies. "Jesus is My Friend Today" can be sung to the tune of "London Bridges," or use the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" melody for "Jesus Loves You As You Are." Explain any words that are difficult for the children to understand and incorporate actions into the song whenever possible.
- Use butcher paper or several sheets of red poster-board to create a huge heart on a flat wall. Explain to the children that the heart represents God's love. Remind the children that he loves each of us deeply and his love for us is eternal. Allow the children to approach the giant heart and write letters to God, draw pictures of things that they are thankful for and decorate the heart however they wish.
Nature Walk
Bible Bookmark
Huge Heart